This is a semi-formal essay using a format of my own design from my early days as a forumer. In it I will address the book Sexual Utopia in Power by F. Roger Devlin, and relate it to three points I will address as a handful of many in the world today. Four paragraphs of content include 3 main focal points and one conclusion.
Point 1: Feminism This is the umbrella concept in a nutshell. Feminism: a lie to women everywhere. Looking at it retrospectively, women had a pretty good deal until they grabbed this ideology by the coattails. They went from chivalry worldwide, to getting slapped in the face on national television ("How Can She Slap"; YouTube). I'd like to believe it was as simple as taking care of their selves, putting out sometimes, and managing the home. That's not to say a woman's place is the kitchen, or that it's wrong for them to seek more, but they don't have to compete with men to do it. I mentioned the idea of voting, and how I feel they shouldn't have the vote when it comes to certain issues, i.e. warfare, foreign policy. Things that will, mainly, affect men. Now, we see a switch. Men are the new women, and women are the new men. They want the power, but with great power comes great responsibility. And anyone who isn't responsible - man or woman - should be barred from obtaining a certain amount of power. Such as Prime Minister or what you Americans would call a President. I'd never vote for a female Prime Minister. Could some do the job well? Possibly. But with running on emotions instead of logic, it's best not to toy with the lives of millions. Agreed? Point 2: Niche Agenda Communities You'd likely agree with people being screened before being given powerful positions if there were a significant number of niche agenda conspirators. This should be one of the manosphere's prime concerns, as vultures have and will continue to take advantage of the hurting, helpless men that grow in number by the day. Using their pain to put the ideas of "It was the ___, or the ___!" into their heads. That will not only take away from the proper manosphere as a whole, but will create correlations with toxic and insane fringe groups, that will, in turn, spread their fallout all over the manosphere and take away its credibility (what little it has already). It is important that men bolster their defences and remain ever vigilant in their efforts to keep the fringes away. After all, if they don't, the community will turn into something ugly. It's likely nothing constructive will happen, because of... Point 3: The Loss of Personal Responsibility Right. I see this with the current and future generations mostly, though some older folks are climbing aboard the S.S. Child now. Must have AARP discount tickets or something. Anyway, some say this is the result of the fatherless epidemic, and I agree to some degree. Women are very...fickle? As if their moods are balanced on a razor's edge. Let me put it to you this way: I wouldn't want any of the women I'm currently around anywhere near my kids. I see this everywhere. Thin-skinned men who get wound up over the smallest and most insignificant things. Just today some loony turned himself up to 60 over a slight concern I had on a forum for collaborative writing (I don't own it). He became so wound up over nothing, he types in all caps "GIVE ME AT LEAST AN HOUR TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Then seconds later types, "here, have a cookie". So now I'm thinking more than 7/8 of the world is mentally unstable. Well, I always have, honestly. But now that's greatly reinforced. When I'm screamed at on a forum where people play pretend, then told to have a cookie, then told I'm a twit and I misjudge people, I have reason to remain concerned. And all the while it's never his fault. I was the insulting one; I was the rude one; I was the arse. Two paragraphs as this is important. People today need to take responsibility for their actions and stop complaining that nothing works for them. Get a clue and a life while they're at it. Those of you HA lot should know someone like this: Winston. He and the Wu Dynasty (coined by an old member of my site who was shunned) are pacified only when the site is brownosing them. I haven't been a member of their site, but I did take a look or two when they tried to incite some stuff with mine. Petty bickering over race; Taiwan being "just like America"; Winston being perfect in every way. It's nonsense. Every time I interact with a western male, I have to nod at Humanity's lack of concern for them. Someone explain why Herbivore Men are doing a bang-up job in Japan, yet MGTOW can't even make a dent here (in the west). Conclusion What's going on, from a cultural perspective, is a complete and total I-don't-even-know-what. The world continues to be overpopulated, resources are running out, space is running out. All the while these issues take importance over the latest iPhone, the newest clothing designer, or the hawtest actor playing a warewolf-vampire hybrid. Utopia? What utopia? It's Greek for "not a place", so I think that's very telling. That's why my happy ass is here on CoAlpha. Despite a crudely-put remark from someone about the application process, I've had a positive experience here overall. I'm here to learn, grow and prosper by my own hand; no help from anyone. My only regret? That I didn't discover this forum ages ago. It is a little long, and for that I apologise. Whoever it was that pointed out that I did not "pressed the right button", I'd like to express that I found that response rude, and will likely not be conversing with you in the future. A kind-hearted correction (like one member did) is perfectly fine. I made a mistake and was told about myself. But when I explicitly explain that I'm not trying to incite, only inform that I did do something I was told I didn't do - even if it was the incorrect route - in a disgustingly rude way, I take offence. It's not that I can't follow instructions, which is something I do rather well, as if I did not I would be living in a cardboard box. You should try to understand others. Take a note from "How to Win Friends and Influence People". |
You mentioned that you have a site/forum. Where is it?
I have a couple. Not sure how that would relate to membership, as I'm not trying to sly my way into membership only to increase traffic to them. As an individual that comes in peace, my focus is on contributions to this site, and enjoying a community in which social exchange and reciprocal knowledge-sharing are commonplace. I believe in giving (content; site integrity) in addition to getting. Basically saying that I'm not parading my sites because I believe in the site's message, and plan on being a productive and constructive member. I'm not wasting anyone's time with my application. I know how annoying it is to have your site piggybacked to increase another one's traffic. |
In reply to this post by A Sleeping Revolutionary
Nomination failed to pass.
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I'm lost, but it's all good. These things happen. I'm pretty sure I know what caused it, and that does tarnish the image of what (I thought) this community stands for. Only thing left to do now is disappear. I should be rebuilding my communities anyway. Tip: You shouldn't let your ego get in the way of professional/community matters. I gave you some advice in how you address others; take it to heart instead of to mind. Doesn't concern me whether you do it or not. Your decisions are your own. I just think it may help in the future. It's not a brotherhood if this is a reaction to a simple, "Hey. You might wanna be careful of the way you design your corrective sentences". Being involved in politics (or having been so in the past), I know that what you say matters as well as how you say it. Good luck. |
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