Rape and Adultery

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Re: Rape and Adultery

PT, suppose I made my living ripping off people in a third world country. Suppose I had a hobby involving waving Big Macs in the faces of people in this country who were starving. Suppose after years of accepting this with good grace, some of the starving people beat me up and took the Big Macs. Who would you say was the bad guy - me or them?

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Re: Rape and Adultery

In reply to this post by fschmidt
This post got some comments from liberals.


The comments are worth reading because they provide solid evidence for why Western society must be destroyed.  Hopefully the Russians, Chinese, or Islam will eventually do the job and wipe out Western culture.
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Re: Rape and Adultery

How do you think the Russians or Chinese would react to reading Rape and Adultery?
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Re: Rape and Adultery

In reply to this post by fschmidt

Read passerby's posts on this page for some hardcore liberal insanity.
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Re: Rape and Adultery

In reply to this post by Johannes
Johannes wrote
How do you think the Russians or Chinese would react to reading Rape and Adultery?
Good question.  I know the Chinese and have been to China.  The Chinese simply wouldn't care.  This thread would bore them.  It has nothing to do with anything practical, like making money or eating good food.  I don't know the Russians, so I can't comment on them.

It's important to understand the source of the Liberal outrage about this article.  Liberalism is an intolerant fundamentalist religion which is a mutant form of Protestantism.  So Liberals view this article as heresy, and this is why they are so outraged.  This article is like writing in the Medieval Europe that Mary probably had sex with some guy when she got pregnant with Jesus and used God as an excuse to cover it up.  Imagine the indignation such an article would have caused, pretty much just like this article caused with Liberals.  Only fundamentalists like Liberals can be so outraged by mere words.  In most cultures, bad actions are required to get people upset.
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Re: Rape and Adultery

fschmidt, there is a person calling you out on something you said about statistics. It's not a usual post, as it has no insults and it doesn't talk about social issues at all.


If you're interested and have time maybe you could reply and clarify?