Putting yourself in a PUA position

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Putting yourself in a PUA position

Here is another HA repost, this time on the incel subject. In case people wanted to have sex with Western skanks without having to become scum themselves, this might be the line of thinking to follow.

As we know, this PUA thing is largely a scam. The fact is that some men are in a position to have sex with lots of skanks. Of course they are going to be confident with females, treat females like the garbage they are etc. If skanks started to throw themselves at any given man, he would likely adopt those traits within about 10 minutes. Lets not confuse cause and effect.

As an example of what I mean, if it had been legal and socially acceptable for me to have sex with my former Asian public school students, getting as much as I desired would have been about as difficult as breathing, not because I have "game", but because I was a man who was noteworthy to them in a non-negative way. Similarly, when I was a security guard controlling access to a remote tourist resort the new years eve before last, darkie chicks invited me to party with them (with the implication of sex) and even offered to provide me with free beer at their own expense. This was not because I had "game", but because the position I occupied was noteworthy and implied authority and physical courage, so fucking me in those circumstances would have enhanced their status among other skanks. (Regrettably by the time I got off work everyone seemed to have gone to sleep).

So how does one place oneself in such a position? One way is to become rich and famous, but this is likely to be beyond most of us, so how else? One way would be to do as I have suggested and teach English to large groups of students, but instead of public school like I was doing, teach groups of poundable students such as nursing students or flight attendant students. Another might be to position yourself so as to be seen as an authority figure within some peer group. For example, a couple of years ago I was friends with a guy in his 30s who had the idea of acting as a kind of bodyguard for a group of teenaged boys in order to meet and score teenaged girls. Another way might be to volunteer as an instructor of some skill that skanks were interested in learning, coach women's sports teams or such like.

Any other ideas? If we could come up with ways of positioning oneself that the average man could tap into then we could render all the silly PUA nonsense obsolete.

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Re: Putting yourself in a PUA position

I will respond to this in private forum.