Psssst.. guys, it's me!

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Psssst.. guys, it's me!

Troy Zinvane
Just want to let you guys know who this is - it's Coby from LS forum.

Letting you know that I've officially declared open warfare on everything that is currently wrong with my life - socially, financially, physically and emotionally. Turning 37 in early November is the flame that lit the fuse. I want to be out of this terrible predicament within a year. No ifs or buts anymore. And i'm willing to do anything I can to change this - even if it kills me in the process. That's how bad I want it - to be a man who is successful in every way, and not considered a loser or a bad-look to hang around - just like the male friends of mine do.

I really want off the LS forum for a little while as there is too much contradiction and not enough solution, plus too many trolls. That place feels like a heavy quicksand pit the longer I saty on there. I thought moving over here and and slowly moving away from LS forum and focusing on fixing my problems may be a better way for me to go right now, as this forum seems to be more results-oriented and not as contradictory. Plus I need a fresh start.

I want to post as much as I can on here about what I do in my life from a day-to-day perspective about what I am doing to actively fix all my problems - financial, emotional, physical and social. Not only that, I want to be held accountable for when I let things slip. I want to take a hard-nosed, one-track minded tunnel visioned approach to resolving my issues, and I want to make myself accountable for when I'm not puting in. I want a 24/7 focus in my life right now for fixing all my issues, without excuses. As I said, I want to be hard-nosed and one-track minded and totally focused day in day out to fixing my predicament, and I don't want to relent until I've reached where I want to be financially,socially, physically and emotionally. When I get to this position I'll re-evaluate, but until then I want to be totally 100% committed and focused 24/7 to resolving these problems in my life. You guys may not consider these to be problems, but I do.

I'll start by letting you guys know that tonight I'm going to a communal party for 20-35 year olds. I will make an effort there to socialise, make new friends and meet a girl, but I understand there are no guarantees.
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Re: Psssst.. guys, it's me!

Welcome Coby.  I have been thinking about moving this forum under CoAlpha.  Do you think there is a need to keep this forum separate?

I am all in favor of action.  My personal preference is looking for women abroad, but if your goal is to be successful in a modern feminist culture, then I recommend studying PUA/Game.  This wouldn't be my first choice, but it is still a lot better than just complaining.  If you want to attract women in a feminist culture without PUA, then I am just confused because PUA is the study of exactly this problem.  Please let me know what you think.