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Just a fantasy if Nabble becomes successful and I have more time and money:  Setting up an orphanage in Cuidad Juarez and raising the kids with CoAlpha values.  The girls could be raised to be decent women and wives.   And the boys could be taught CoAlpha ideas, but of course boys think for themselves and so most wouldn't end up as CoAlphas, but some would.

The video above shows how Christianity helps itself by helping others, a very good example to follow.
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Re: Orphans

I was actually going to mention something like this in the What does CoAlpha Offer? thread.

I was thinking something we can do as a group is construct houses or community buildings. This would serve a two fold purpose. The more obvious purpose would be outward, poor Mexicans would have living conditions improved. This mostly benefits the poor Mexicans being helped, not us. Though it would bring a lot of credibility to our group and it would be a marketing goldmine.

The other purpose would be inward. We discussed in the Group Cohesion thread, the idea that groups bond together by doing shared stressful activities. In particular military style boot camps were mentioned. J. Donner was quick to point out though that military style bootcamps applied to civilian goals, won't work.

I think the ideal activity to bond over is something a) masculine and b) physical. Building houses for poor Mexicans sounds like the perfect group cohesion exercise.

I should add, doing something like this would also provide the sense of fulfilling a mission. This is a feeling that getting a better job cannot even provide.
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Re: Orphans

I just want to explain this a little more.  My main motivation here isn't to help Mexicans or even provide a bonding activity.  My motivation is to raise CoAlphas.  I don't think race means much.  I think culture is much more important.  So I don't see why Mexican kids can't be raised as CoAlphas.  My fantasy here is that a few CoAlpha couples move to El Paso, say around 5.  Then we work together on the orphanage in our free time, possible together with some religious group.  The orphanage could produce a lot more CoAlphas than any other approach that I can think of.