I found this site from another one that isn't serious about change. Something like this needs men who are ready to work. A simple task given how easy the work is. Research, travel, business/professional -- these are things that are not only fun, but what people do by default anyway. So killing two birds with one stone here is . . . how could you not?
So I'd like to join the Brotherhood, but there is a caveat. I'll only join if I see MEN here, not boys. I want work to be done. This sexual utopia is likely not free to live in, and hard to find. I'm not going to waste my time if you aren't serious. I have much better things to be doing. I have a plan for myself on the individual level. But it'd be nice to share kinship with like-minded folks. That said, don't add me/recruit me if you're not ready to make this happen. Just ban me like the other sites and I'll be on my merry way. ![]() |
Can you be more specific about your idea? There are men here who are willing to work if an idea makes sense. So far we haven't found an idea that works.
How much more "specific" can I be? I don't want to join if you're taking the Happy Bachelor/Happier Abroad approach to things. That means, if you'd rather piss, whine and moan about the west rather than develop a system to get out of it.
I think you can be much more specific. Anyway, our protocol for membership is to have men post their thoughts about Sexual Utopia in Power and then grant membership based on that. We have much more specific discussions in our private forum about what works and what doesn't.
I can't. Pretty simple and specific as it is.
Whoa. You mean, men have to make a coherent thought just to join? I'll give you that your selectiveness indicates you're at least 1% serious about what you're doing here. Which means that there is a 1% chance I'm not wasting my time, Franklin. I'll post my essay-format thoughts about the book later. Forgive my scepticism (or don't; I don't care), but I've seen too many forums and groups come up that promise to at least try to change this or that, and instead finds solutions in complaining. Especially given that some of you come from HA. Happier Abroad's Memberbase 99% - "Happy" Men 1% - Men actually worth anything who go abroad Of the 99% . . . 30% - Conspiracy Theorists/Tin Foil Hatters 20% - Racists 10% - Delusionals 10% - Imperials of the Cock-Sucking Wu Dynasty 20% - Armchair Generals/Travellers/"Experts" 9% - Religious Zealots 1% - Awkward, Creepy Taxi Drivers I'll give HA the free-speech (with asterisk), and the diversity of unhealthy user types. Compared to Happy Bachelors, which is 100% "MGTOW", which are Men Going Their Own Way . . . Until They Get a Blowjob. On the latter, there is only one type of man: the turncoat. Women are cunts until they fuck them. THEN they're "not all like that" and "ruined by feminism. I'll follow directions and get my essay up, but I'm just saying that I'm not here to play games, and won't tollerate bullshit. The first "mangina" (whatever the fuck that is) I see or feminist I see here, posting as if they were accepted, or defending feminism/not holding women (or men) accountable for their actions, I'm gone and I'll make sure men and women trying to change things stay far away from this site. |
Thoughts on Sexual Utopia in Power
Let me start by saying that, purely from a natural standpoint, men are polygamous while women are (supposed to be) monogamous. It implies this in the opening paragraph. It says women don't ovulate nearly as much as men . . . generate sperm over the course of a lifetime. Men can father more children than any one woman can give birth to. I'm not saying men can't be monogamous, and we clearly see women who are no such thing, so all you religious nut jobs shouldn't sharpen your crosses and de-rust your chains. I'm coming from a scientific, biological direction. Let's get something straight though: there is no sexual utopia. Maybe places comparable to one, but no such place truly exists. And women are "gold-diggers" in every country. Yes, all women are like that. 99.9% are like that, while of the remaining .1 (not even a full 1) % are dead, married, uninterested in marrying again after being widowed, or apart of some undiscovered tribe. Basically, all off-limits. The book also talks about how women learned to act how they wanted with little or no responsibility. Their happiness should be found without any risk. This is a lie that feminism sold to them, but let's be clear on something: they need to be held accountable for their actions. As said before, I'm not here to dick around with you, and if you're going to give ANYONE -- man or woman -- a free pass rather than call them on their bullshit, you will be shat on. Some were lied to, some knew exactly what kind of game they were playing. Men and women have had a hand in creating this shitstorm, and that is fact. If anything, this book's title, while a bit delusional, is hopeful and has an underlying message: Do something! The Brotherhood needs to take action to bring about its wishes. Men have it hard, but women shouldn't mess with clowns and losers, either. I think maybe some other reading material should be mandatory for something like this. Yes, sex is great, but believe it or not, women are good for other things. If I were one, I wouldn't want a man -- local or foreign -- all up in my kool-aid when he doesn't have his shit together. I'm not saying mind-bogglingly rich, but a job at all isn't asking much. A mansion? Not necessary. But SOME place to call home, or his spot? That isn't the moon, now. The book was a good read, but not a great read. This Brotherhood should be about so much more. More than just sex, and women behaving themselves. Men have to own up and grow too. They have to have goals too and do things too. Even though I have no intention of pandering to American women to get laid, I have passively tried to come about sex. Why? Because I believe in taking some kind of control to bring about my desires. I'm not buying a new car or attending PUA classes. If my basic personality doesn't stimulate a woman, she can walk. But if something can happen, why not? I don't believe in whining, and my willingness to work with the Brotherhood to develop effective solutions is why I should be allowed to join. If you're not convinced, oh well, I'll still do what I need to do. But together, we can do great things. It's in your hands now, site. |
You have membership now and can read the private forum. I don't agree with everything you wrote, but agreeing with me is not a criteria for membership. The main criteria is showing that you can think for yourself. I think it's important to discuss things at least enough to understand where everyone is coming from. I will respond now to your post.
I am a big fan of religion for reasons I explain in the private forum. If you look up monogamy on Wikipedia, you will see that it has several aspects. I support marital and genetic monogamy. Sexual monogamy is only relevant for women. The Old Testament mostly supports this position. The word "adultery" in the Old Testament means sex with another man's wife. I think the Old Testament perspective on this subject is as close to perfect as one can find, and certainly better than that of Sexual Utopia in Power. The closest one can come to utopia is the system found in almost all rising cultures, namely strict rules for marriage plus prostitution to satisfy the male desire for variety. This system is entirely possible to implement today if a group of men would actually support it. The question of responsibility is complicated by the fact that women are not at all like men and cannot really think for themselves. In terms of responsibility, women are more like children than they are like men. The responsibility for organizing society belongs entirely with men. Men delegating this responsibility to women, by giving them the vote for example, is as nonsensical as delegating it to children. So the real responsibility for the political disaster caused by women voting belongs to those men who gave women the vote. What should be done is a matter for the private forum. |
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So are you all actually taking steps or doing the Happy Bachelors thing instead? We need to start thinking of solutions. Personally, I would null and void all the inactives (save for the admins) since they clearly aren't interested in sticking around for the long haul. Next, I'd start focusing on those that ARE, and discuss solutions. I don't want this to be another HA or HB. If no one's going to start brainstorming I'll see myself out.
The place to discuss solutions is the private forum. You should have access now. There are issues that I don't want to discuss publicly.
In reply to this post by Ungrateful One
We changed the membership process, so your membership is delayed.
Please tell us what your goals are, what you want accomplished. |
This post was updated on .
Isn't that what I said not to do? Hm. I must not be speaking English.
Anyway, this isn't for me. On top of making it clear I wouldn't re-applying, I haven't seen any jogress yet. That's what I'm about; jogress. I'll probably lurk or come around every now and then, but I can't waste time. I'm proactive and move fast. Hard worker. I don't think I mesh with this community's wave. Nothing personal, I just like solving problems rather than griping about 'em. |
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