Nightclubs are hell

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Nightclubs are hell


Nice article mentioned by MarkyMark.  Here is some of it:

Why bother with clubs?

"Because you might get a shag," is the usual response. Really? If that's the only way you can find a partner - preening and jigging about like a desperate animal - you shouldn't be attempting to breed in the first place. What's your next trick? Inventing fire? People like you are going to spin civilisation into reverse. You're a moron, and so is that haircut you're trying to impress. Any offspring you eventually blast out should be drowned in a pan before they can do any harm. Or open any more nightclubs.


Mind you, since in about 20 years' time these same people will be standing waist-deep in skeletons, in an arid post-nuclear wasteland, clubbing each other to death in a fight for the last remaining glass of water, perhaps they're wise to enjoy these carefree moments while they last. Even if they're only pretending.
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Re: Nightclubs are hell

Great article. We need more rants like these. What the drugged up, muscle worshipping, ass shaking club zombies don't understand is that they're parasites. I'm an introvert, I hate clubs and superficial meetings in general. I don't really mind living a very predictable and by all standards boring life. Like the author, I'm guessing it will be easier to shrug off clubbing when I'm older. Right now I get the "are you a freak?" looks.
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Re: Nightclubs are hell

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The club zombies don't care about being parasites (and may not even know what the word means).

The cure for the "are you a freak?" look is a wedding ring.  Even if you aren't married, consider getting one.  Before I got a wedding ring, I got looks of contempt and disgust from American women.  After getting the ring, I was simply ignored.  A wedding ring is also an expression in support of marriage and against feminism.  The only downside is that it isn't entirely honest, but if I was young and single and stuck in America, I would wear one.
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Re: Nightclubs are hell

fschmidt wrote
The cure for the "are you a freak?" look is a wedding ring.  Even if you aren't married, consider getting one.  Before I got a wedding ring, I got looks of contempt and disgust from women.  After getting the ring, I was simply ignored.  A wedding ring is also an expression in support of marriage and against feminism.  The only downside is that it isn't entirely honest, but if I was young and single and stuck in America, I would wear one.
It's interesting that you mention a wedding ring. Whenever the guys at work (who epitomize the articles clubber description) ask me if I wanna go to a club and get some chicks, I always tell them I'm saving money for marriage. If they ask me about dating some poptart bimbo, I say the same thing. Devlin in Sexual Utopia In Power said that's what we should say when we're encouraged to waste money on loser women.
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Re: Nightclubs are hell

As a tangent,
After I get my degree and go serious job hunting, I intend to wear a wedding ring.
Probably gives the employer the impression of stability.
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Re: Nightclubs are hell

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Nightclubs are hell for the average guy, unless you are one of those top 20% of men in terms of looks, then nightclubs are an easy source of drunk bar sluts/spoiled party girls for easy sex.

Women who frequent nightclubs are usually the worst kind of women known to society, and are only good for sex/cumdumpsters, and are totally unfit for marriage and motherhood.

I could never understand why young people who frequent nightclubs, take drugs, listen to shit music. pay $10.00 for a watered down drink, and put on some bullshit act.

I fucking hate nightclubs, and have never liked them.
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Re: Nightclubs are hell

In reply to this post by fschmidt
An incel friend of mine wore a fake wedding ring in order to try and impress women, and it was a fail.
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Re: Nightclubs are hell

In reply to this post by seb
Nightclubs are just competitions and meat markets with overpriced drinks and loud music thrown in.  I avoid those places like the plague now.  Nothing for me there.  Impossible too to hold a decent convo with the loud music in those places.

And, yeah, nightclubs are hell for average guys.

I got kicked out of a club once for rocking back and forth a bit due to my condition (they said/thought I was drunk and I don't drink, go figure)

I've never been back to that club...I've boycotted that club since then.