Is this forum still active? I noticed most of the posts are from 2 or 3 years ago.
I found this forum through a friend who linked it to me. Everything that I've read here, especially fschmidt's posts about history and reoccurring degenerative patterns that contribute to decline, resonate with my own understanding which admittedly, is still not comprehensive. Nevertheless, I want to learn all I can. So far, I've read Sexual Utopia in Power and Sex and Culture by J.D. Unwin. I recognize on an daily basis, the complete inversion of values that built and sustained civilization. Not a lot of people seem to notice this except those that still have some residual sense of virtue, honor, and shame. Those people will inevitably die out soon when they are forced to live in a toxic legal and social atmosphere that poisons their surroundings and their children's sensibilities. In that sense, I think this brotherhood's purpose is of the utmost importance. I'd like to join the private forum since it seems like it has a lot more posts and is more active. I want to learn more and communicate with the knowledgeable members of this brotherhood. Thanks. |
I wasn't sure where to post this review of Sexual Utopia, so I'll post it here. It is a fairly standard tradcon/alt-right description of Western society's descent into sexual dysfunction and social collapse which seems to me to be obviously true. There seems to be some kind of hundredth monkey syndrome going on whereby lots of people are wising up to a standard version of the facts at the same time. There is only a little I would add.
One thing is that feminism was founded and funded by the men at the top via intelligence agencies and such, and they have benefited from it at every step. In practice, feminism represents the takeover of women and children by the top ~0.1% of men, with corporations and state agencies directed by them taking the place of husbands and fathers. Probably most corporate/government expenditure in the West goes towards propping up feminism. The explicitly stated reason given for this is the need to limit birth rates to reduce overpopulation and in this, feminism combined with various means of chemical castration has been very successful. Apparently the West has about half the population in would have if it had been allowed to continue on with its 1945 birth rate, and given that the West currently consumes about half the world's resources, having double the population be a bit problematic, so maybe the sadists at the top have a point. |
Cornfed can you make a new thread with the same text? You can do this by clicking new topic in upper left corner.
Once you make a new thread I will take this as your submission and a vote will be held in the members forum. Your application will be reviewed for one week in which time we may or may not ask you questions. If there are no objections you will become a member and gain access to our private forum. |
So it takes a week. I think I was told it takes much longer. That's good news I guess, seeing as how I put in my application on Tuesday I should be getting done in a couple of days. Carry on.
A Sleeping Revolutionary, you never created an application.
I'm not trying to be rude, call you a lair, or argue, but yes I did. Sometime on Tuesday. I clicked the proper button and typed up an exhausting-to-read essay on my thoughts about the book and what's going on in general.
Please post that essay to this public forum.
In reply to this post by A Sleeping Revolutionary
A Sleeping Revolutionary,
You tried access the private forum and left a comment. This is not clicking the proper button. When people do this we ignore them until they figure out the correct way to start an application. We do this as a passive way of filtering out people who can't follow instructions. You will see that Humanity told you the following here:
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Appreciate the kind redirection. Props for not typing a snide, snarky remark. That never worked in my experience. More flies with honey and all that. |
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