My Guide to Life

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My Guide to Life

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I think CoAlpha men have these basic challenges in life:

1.  Make money.
2.  Sow your oats.
3.  Marry.
4.  Protect your family.

I will give my thoughts on each challenge.  But my advice is useless if you are unwilling take action.  There seem to be numerous men who complain endlessly and do nothing.  Such men are hopeless.  If you are willing to take action, then maybe my thoughts will have some value for you.

1.  Make money.

The modern world is totally corrupt.  If you plan to make money from the modern world, you must be willing to lie.  Everyone in the business world lies.  Those in power wouldn't hesitate to lie to you, cheat you, or steal from you.  So you shouldn't hesitate to do the same to them.

I recommend that you start by reading Corporate Confidential.  This is written by a woman who worked in human resources at a corporation.  She actually believes in the system.  (Only a woman could believe in something so monstrous.)  This is what makes the book so valuable, that she has no agenda and is just telling it like it is.  No man can read this book without losing all respect for the corporate world.  And this is the whole point, losing respect allows you to become completely ruthless, which is the only reasonable attitude to have towards the corporate world.

I make two exception to my general advice of lying.  Don't lie to anyone with whom you have a personal relationship, even if you are dealing with them in a business setting.  And don't lie to the people under you at work.

Employment is generally miserable.  Your long term goal should be to escape from employment or to find employment in an exceptional company that isn't corrupt.  You must aggressively pursue this because it won't come easily.  Use all of your personal connections to look for options.  As the CoAlpha Brotherhood grows, I hope we can serve as personal connections for each other and help each other solve the money problem.

2.  Sow your oats.

Here you have two options, sluts or prostitutes.  Prostitutes in the femisphere are generally overpriced and of low value.  So the best approach to prostitution is to take vacations to cheap countries or to live near a cheap country that you can visit regularly.

There is a somewhat objective way to choose between sluts and prostitutes based on cost.  You can start monitoring the time that you spend going after sluts and see how much total time must be invested to get sex.  Then multiply this by your after-tax hourly income to judge the cost.  Compare that to the cost of prostitutes by adding up costs of a sex vacation divided by the number of prostitutes you could see.  I believe that for most men, prostitution is a far better deal.

But this object measure leaves something out.  Sluts are horrible women and are attracted to horrible men.  As you work on conquering sluts, you will in effect be trained to act in a horrible way.  So pursuing sluts will damage your integrity by training you to act like the kind of bad-boy that sluts prefer.  If you value your integrity, then I suggest you use prostitutes instead of sluts.

3.  Marry.

By "marry", I don't mean get a stupid license from the government.  I mean that you find a woman with whom to start a family.  The government has nothing to do with that.  Whether you choose to get a marriage license is a question about law and taxes.  The main reason to get a marriage license is to immigrate a foreign wife.  If this comes up with a CoAlpha, we could use that opportunity to investigate how to minimize the legal risks associated with a marriage license.

When looking for a wife, you should look outside of the femisphere (feminist sphere of influence).  Almost all women are corrupted by a feminist culture.  The world has a changed a lot in the last 20 years that I have been married.  There are many more options now for foreign dating, so I don't see why it would be hard for a man to find decent foreign wife today.  I look forward to seeing how these options work out for CoAlpha men.

4.  Protect your family.

I believe this is the hardest challenge and it is the one I am now dealing with.  We live in a corrupt world full of rotten cultures.  It is important to try to protect one's wife and children from these horrible influences.  I believe that religion offers the best hope for this.  I am still in the process of evaluating religions for my family.  I can't see any other practical solution today besides religion.  Of course it is my dream that CoAlpha eventually grows large enough to solve this problem, but we are far from that now.  I will report how religion works out for my family and I hope other CoAlphas who get married also investigate religions and report back on what they find.  I cannot see how one can hope to protect one's family without religion.  If anyone has any other suggestion besides religion, I would like to hear about it.
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Re: My Guide to Life

You're a mind reader. This post exactly reflects my goals.

The only adjustment I'd make is having a religion ready for a wife prior to bringing her state side. El Paso may be a place of less Americana influence, but Berkeley is ground zero for cultural decay. Better to hit the ground running. One main component of protecting your family is educating children. Home schooling is one option, conservative charter schools are another. Public school is the worst option.
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2 vs 3

2 vs 3

Here's a liberal question.

Feminists rigorously champion the idea of sleeping around with lots of partners before marriage. Shows like Sex And The City especially cater to this lingering female fantasy. The logic behind this is that if a woman sleeps with lots of partners, she'll eventually find one more suitable partner. Of course I disagree with this, because women lose bonding ability via chemical release.

However I notice many American men whom marry the first beast they can find simply to get sex. They don't evaluate other criteria and will overlook all flaws just to get sex. This leads me to think that men are incapable of making unbiased marriage decisions if they're sex starved. Sex starved men are equivalent of drunk men in a bar. Sex starved men will always fall for marriage if they're enticed with sex. Therefore the sober equivalent of finding a wife is having your sexual needs already met. A wife should be evaluated on how well she'll raise kids, how willing she'll take care of domestic responsibilities, how faithful she is - not on how good she is in bed.

I guess what I'm asking is does the reverse feminist logic apply to men? Do all men benefit from clearer thinking going into marriage if their biological needs are already met?
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Re: 2 vs 3

Actually I can think of 2 obvious benefits of 2 before 3.  One is what you mentioned, that the man will have a clearer head.  The other benefit is that the man will be more attractive as a potential husband to women.  Women are not attracted to sexually desperate men.  A woman who senses sexual desperation in a man will rightly think that his main purpose in dating her may not be to form a family.  So 2 before 3 helps with both your judgement and your opportunities.