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Mission Statement
The CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon modern culture and collectively find real, actionable, alternative ways for men to improve their lives. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. We want a community where men enable other men to reach their goals while also respecting all member's goals. |
The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to create a cultural lifeboat to escape the sinking ship of modern liberal feminist culture.
Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, have built strong independent subcultures. Our goal is to build an independent subculture based on traditional patriarchal values and morals, but without being tied to a specific religion. We want to be a group where men can trust each other and where we can keep our families free from feminism. |
Here's an alternate arrangement using your own words: CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to create a cultural lifeboat to escape the sinking ship of modern liberal feminist culture. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, have built strong independent subcultures. Our goal is to build an independent subculture based on traditional patriarchal values and morals, but without being tied to a specific religion. We want to be a group where men can trust each other and where we can keep our families free from feminism. I think it's more powerful if you start with what we are, rather than what we're not. Here's a submission of my own: CoAlpha Brotherhood is a movement to abandon modern liberal feminist society and create a strong independent sub-culture based on traditional patriarchal values. |
Here is another version combining these:
CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon modern liberal feminist society and create a strong independent sub-culture based on traditional patriarchal values. Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, already have such sub-cultures, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. We want to create our own culture where men can trust each other and where we can keep our families free from feminism. |
It may help if we break down the components. After reading wikipedia's entry on mission statment I've reevaluated how to write a mission statement. Wikipedia says a mission statement must state: I. a. Purpose or aim of organization. b. The organization's primary stakeholders: clients, stockholders, congregation, etc. c. Responsibilities of the organization toward these stakeholders. d. Products and services offered. II. e. A statement containing the reason for using your product. f. A statement of some desired future state (vision). g. A statement of the key values the organization is committed to. h. A statement of major goals. III. i. Define what the company is? MISSION j. Define what the company aspires to be? VISIONS STATEMENT. k. Limited to exclude some ventures. l. Broad enough to allow for creative growth. m. Distinguish the company from all others. n. Serve as framework to evaluate current activities. o. Stated clearly so that it is understood by all. Below is a diagramed version of the last entry. CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon modern liberal feminist society and create a strong independent sub-culture based on traditional patriarchal values (a,g,h). Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, already have such sub-cultures, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion (k,l,m). The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society (k). Neither is it just a men's social club (k). We want to create our own culture where men can trust each other and where we can keep our families free from feminism (b,c). So I'd say the parts we're weak on are: (d,e,f,i,j,m) Here's a couple things that could be included, which aren't in it now: d. Matchmaking services, nohidism, instilling and maintaining feminine values in wives. e. Benefits of foreign women, the benefits of co-alpha enforced monogamy. f. Fleshed out virtual community, in-person meetings / living location. i,j,m seem kinda broad and redundant. I don't think we need them. --- I think it's easier to write our particular mission statement if we view it as a storytelling sequence. With each sequence we can meet a letter criteria (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o). 1. Abandon society, not reform society. (a,k) 2. Create virtual community of Co-Alpha males. (b) 3. Get single Co-Alpha males wives (matchmaking service). (d) 4. Safeguard gotten wives through Co-Alpha enforced monogamy. (c,e,g) 5. Instill and maintain feminine values in wives. 6. Practice nohidism. (l,m) 7. Turn virtual community into in-person community. (f,h) Based on the above story telling sequence, here's a new mission statement: [1.] CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon feminist society and any attempts to reform society by first creating a virtual meeting place for [2.] lone men who've dropped out to meet (a,k,b). [3.] This virtual meeting place will offer matchmaking marriage services between lone men and none-feminist women (d). [4.] We'll off this service because we believe patriarchal monogamy is the only sustainable mating arrangement for our species (g). And this mating arrangement can only be achieved through cooperation, not competition (e). Therefore we promise to respect other men's wives and mutually defend other men's wives from non-cooperative men (c). [5. 6.]We seek to maintain our values by creating an independent subculture based on traditional patriarchal values and morals, but without being tied to a specific religion (l,m). [7.] Our efforts will eventually materialize into a physical meeting place that safely houses our families and is free of feminist influence and non-coopertive men (f,h). |
I think my last version reads better than this new version. We don't have to cover all points listed in Wikipedia, and I think what we did well in covering most of it. Let me break it down and explain what I see as the value of each part:
CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon modern liberal feminist society and create a strong independent sub-culture based on traditional patriarchal values. Your sentence, gives a concise description of what we are. Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, already have such sub-cultures, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion. The most common objection is that creating an independent sub-culture isn't possible. This sentence disproves that by showing other groups that have done it. At the same time, it explains why these groups don't work for most men (tied to a specific religion). The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. All existing men's groups fall into one of these categories, so we must say that we are not like this. This is what differentiates us from the rest. We want to create our own culture where men can trust each other and where we can keep our families free from feminism. You listed this as (b,c) but I see it more as (d). These are some of the values gotten from CoAlpha. About the new version: The matchmaking service is more of a "how" than a "what". I am reluctant to stress it until I have succeeded in one case. It may turn out that a matchmaking service isn't needed at this time because existing commercial international matchmaking services are good enough. I just don't know how this will work out, and won't know until we have had a few cases of men looking for wives. Leaving out the religious examples is fatal. We will be dismissed as impossible dreamers. Just generally too much "how" and not enough "what". The older version was shorter and I think would better appeal to our audience. |
I agree with most of what you said. I think we can use your last submission as the basic structure.
Content wise there's a few things I think can be emphasized more: - Group mentality. Section [1] is a powerful starting sentence, but it doesn't say anything about abandoning society as a group. I think it should imply a more "collective" or "team" abandonment of society, rather than a MGTOW individualist nomad route. Only section [4] really emphasizes group mentality. - Size of group. To use your quote from the Resources - A Life Apart: Hasidism in America (movie) thread: "This shows that a few determined men can make a difference." I think it's important to emphasize the intended size of the group, because like citing Amish and Hasidic Jews, it makes the mission sound more "winnable" and not just impossible dreamers. It's much easier to believe in a goal that says we "only need 100 men" as opposed to a full fledge movement that requires a critical mass of several thousand men. I think it's best to focus on intended group size in section [2] when citing religious examples. - Final goal. Section [4] is basically the outcome of the group. It's what we want to aspire to after all our hard work. I think "culture" is a bit too murky. Culture should be the vehicle to achieving the end product, but the end product should be something more concrete. Perhaps it's just wording, but I think something along the lines of "community" sounds more concrete than "culture". Redundancy: Section [1] and section [4] both emphasize values. Section [1] emphasizes values generally, while section [4] gives a more detailed description. I think values should only be mentioned once. And if values are going to be mentioned once, they should be mentioned first, in section [1]. Section [4] should be more about the end product. Section [1] sounds a bit wordy also. Maybe these extra words add emphasis, maybe they don't. But do you think we need to say "modern, liberal, feminist" society? Or could we just say "feminist" society? As I don't know of any form of feminism that's not liberal. And I think "feminism" automatically will be identified as a "modern" occurrence. Even if there is an "older feminism", by simply saying "abandon feminism", it covers all forms of "feminism". Same goes for the words "traditional patriarchal" in section [1], if we're trying to cut excess fat, I don't see needing the word "traditional". "Patriarchy" is by default "traditional", isn't it? Or do you think the extra emphasis helps? Style wise: I know a mission statement is suppose to be clear, to the point, ect. But we can also dress up the language a bit. I think it should for lack of a better word, sound more "poetic". Using the above suggestion's I'll put examples of tweaked sections below: [1] CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon modern liberal feminist society and create a strong independent sub-culture based on traditional patriarchal values. CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt for men to abandon feminist society and collectively recreate a strong independent sub-culture based on patriarchal values. [2] Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, already have such sub-cultures, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion. Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, already achieved such sub-cultures under the leadership of a few strong men, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion. [3] The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. [4] We want to create our own culture where men can trust each other and where we can keep our families free from feminism. We want a community where men can trust each other and defend each other's families from feminism. |
"for men" isn't needed since "Brotherhood" implies this. I also prefer "create" to "recreate" since CoAlpha is a new thing. So I suggest: CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon feminist society and collectively create a strong independent sub-culture based on patriarchal values. The "under the leadership of a few strong men" doesn't convey what you want, that a few men can pull this off. Instead it conveys that for such groups to succeed, they must be lead by a few strong men, which isn't what we want to say. The questions of group size and whether a few men can make this work are just too difficult questions to be covered in a mission statement. So I would go with my original version here. Several religious groups, such as the Amish and Hasidic Jews, already have such sub-cultures, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion. We agree on this one. "Defend" is how, "free from" is what. I would go with what. "Defend" implies we need to fight, but a successful community would naturally would be free from feminism. We want a community where men can trust each other and our families are free from feminism. |
By the way, my skype ID is "franklin_schmidt". It may easier to resolve any last differences by chat.
Final version as discussed between myself and fschmidt over skype:
The CoAlpha Brotherhood is an attempt to abandon feminist society and collectively create an independent sub-culture based on patriarchal values. The CoAlpha Brotherhood is not an attempt to reform society. Neither is it just a men's social club. Some religious groups like the Amish and Hasidic Jews already have such sub-cultures, but we do not want to be tied to a specific religion. We want a community where men can trust each other and our families are free from feminism. |
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Where should this mission statement go?
Also, can I move this thread to the Workgroup forum? |
The completed mission statment should go under "About CoAlpha". Yes, you can move this thread to the Workgroup forum. |
You can create a "mission statement" thread in the top forum and pin it to the top.
Actually there are 2 other options. We could put this in the forum description of the top level forum. Or we couold make this the start of a "What is the CoAlpha Brotherhood?" thread.
I vote for a stand alone thread. I'll be referencing it a lot, both in discussion here and in outside forums. For this reason I'd prefer it not to be bogged down by other text. |
Okay, you can do this.
Closing. Reopen when needed.
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