Many of us may NEVER find a lifetime partner. It is cruel how we are being denied both love and sex. We emulate sex though masturbation but how does one emulate love?
I'll tell you how....imaginary girlfriends.
The best time to do this is at night when you are in bed.
First you will want to invest in a good full body pillow. Make sure it is firm (but not too firm). A pillow that is too hard/rough doesnt feel right. On the other hand some pillows (especially feather pillows) are not firm enough.
Once you have the pillow thats all you really need to buy...the rest depends on your imagination. This may take some practice...but for me it came very naturally.
Think of a name for her...what her personality is like....what her face looks like...what does her voice sound like...and other basic things like that. You can base these things off of someone you know or just completely make them up.
You dont have to think of these details now...think of them as you are lying in bed with your arms wrapped tightly around your pillow. They will come to you.
After that think of what adventures you two will have together! Remember the sky is the limit! I have a whole fictional universe for this. Having a fictional universe helped for me because before that I used to think "oh this could never happen..this would happen instead" but with my own fictional universe i dont have those problems anymore. Dont be afraid to mix things up.
I have had the same imaginary girlfriend for many many years and it never gets old.
Once you get the hand of things you might find yourself getting attached to your imaginary girlfriend. GO ALONG WITH IT, DONT FIGHT IT. You having an imaginary girlfriend hurts no one and she can never hurt you! No matter what anyone else says, its not unhealthy....its as healthy as masturbation.
My imaginary girlfriend really help get me through the day. I often take time out during the day to lay in bed, wrap my arms around my pillow and think of her.
Also if you are really upset about something and you are at home, lay down in bed, wrap your arms around your pillow, and imagine her holding you and saying things to comfort you.
Anyway thats all for now...lets see what you can come up with!
Imaginary girlfriends are preferable to real girlfriends in the femisphere. Aside from Pater, I suspect most guys' imaginary girlfriends would be low maintenance. But let's see if you can't find a real girlfriend worth dating outside of the femisphere.
The problem with women is that they usually expect a lot, dont directly ask for it but manipulate to get it and they believe that they are entitled to it just because they have a couple of sacks of lard hanging off their chest and a 3 inch split between their legs..
Hence, they will take and take and they don't much care about reciprocating anything at all, because they are sure to be able to get what they want just by keeping looking for mugs who will provide whatever they want on the offchance..