MGTOW stand for Men Going Their Own way. But it isn't clear whether men should go their own way as individuals or in groups. I believe MGTOW supports both option. As long as a man thinks for himself and chooses his own path, instead of letting mainstream society dictate his path, then he is adhering to MGTOW. I believe that co-alpha men have a better chance at being successful with MGTOW is they/we do it in groups. This is where brotherhoods come in. And this is how the CoAlpha Brotherhood fits into MGTOW.
Take the liberty to repost the MGTOW manifesto. MEN GOING THEIR OWN WAY The goal is to instill masculinity in men, femininity in women and establish a limited government! By instilling masculinity in men we make men self-reliant, proud and independent. By instilling femininity in women we make them nurturing, supporting and responsible. By working for a limited government we are working for freedom and justice. That women have other qualities is not interesting to men because we don't need them! Femininity will be the price women pay for enjoying masculinity in men! This is the aim of Men Going Their Own Way. By holding this point of view we are helping other men and, more important, we are helping boys grow up to become men. This goal is to take away everybody's "right" to vote on other people's affairs thus rendering it impossible for political organisms and ideologies to impose their will on all people. It is not about reinstalling patriarchy or revoking female voting rights or making socialism illegal. It might have this as a side effect - but not directly and not as a political ideology. Only the future will show what happens and by going our own way we are preparing men and boys for that future. It is important for men to have a practical approach to implementing it. [b]PRIME STRATEGIES THAT COMPLEMENT OUR PRODUCT AND GOAL[/b] We have 3 main strategies: [b]1. Instilling masculinity in men by ?[/b] - Demanding respect for men. - Serving as good male role models. - Living independent lives. - Fighting chivalry. [b]2. Instilling femininity in women.[/b] We hold women equally accountable to men and ignore and shun those who refuse such accountability. Thus we induce women to take a complementary position with men instead of a competitive position as is now the case. Qualities we want from women: - Nurturing - Supportive - Responsibility - Respectfulness - Honesty [b]3. Limiting Government[/b] In order to be independent of society, and live within it, and at the same time work for limiting governmental influence upon our daily lives, men will - - Go Their Own Way - Support other men - Legally reduce any taxpaying - Truthfully act out any duties in accordance with their conscience - Use any rights to the benefit of other men as well as themselves It is those 3 strategies that come together in one; [color=blue][i][b]MEN GOING THEIR OWN WAY [/b][/i][/color] This is the Logo. [img][/img] Every man supporting this idea is welcome to use the Logo in this or similar contexts. What we do as activism or the way we behave personally are the Tactics. 1. Use of a Logo which symbolizes the strategy. 2. Run one or many Web-sites and Fora that promotes this. 3. Run one or more web-sites which tells the truth about feminism. 4. Provide Stickers, T-Shirts, etc., with various statements such as "Chivalry is Dead." 5. Writing articles supporting our product. 6. Producing music promoting our product. 7. Hold International events and local meetings. 8. Establishing mens' clubs. 9. Boycotting certain products. You will basically be alone in doing this. There is no organization supporting you. You just go your own way and do what you believe is right. You are never obligated beyond your own conscience. True masculinity is also about accepting the rights of other men and not letting them down for any short term personal benefits. The mens movement does actually cover a much larger picture. By instilling masculinity in others, as well as yourself, you will actually be improving the lives of everybody, including women and children. IF IT?S NOT RIGHT ? GO YOUR OWN WAY! Take care brother! [b]The MGTOW logos and the MGTOW Manifesto are public domain, explicitly designated so by their creators (the men of MGTOW) to be used by anyone for the purpose of promoting MGTOW. May 1, 2006[/b] [/quote] |
If we intend to hold women equally accountable with men then why do we need to shun those who wish to compete with men? If a woman can toe-the-line as well as a man in a certain field then I am fine with that, it's when they start the bitching and whining and the demands for special treatment is when they should be shunned. I guess if we have gotten to that point we are already too late because our brotherhood would have been infected by feminism? I do agree that we should encourage these traits in women: - Nurturing - Supportive - Responsibility - Respectfulness - Honesty But I think that they are falsely called "feminine" traits as more men seem to exhibit them than women nowadays. In fact, they seem like traits that any civilized human should have towards friends and relatives and even the occasional down-on-his-luck stranger. |
Thanks for your input. The short answer is something like men and women has different main traits, but there is also some overlapping. Women turning into sociopaths makes men seem nurturing and display other traits that are traditionally feminine, doesn't change the main thing. |
I have no problem with MGTOW in their principles and they have honor is saying up front they are for number one. Yet in action and in isolation they are suffering, and in giving up on having kids they are headed for oblivion as soon as enough die, albeit more likely with smiles on their faces. There sites and forums have suffered from everyone doing their own thing too, though this is less important.
The good men may do separately is small compared with what they may do collectively -
Benjamin Franklin None of us is smart as all of us- Old Japanese Proverb |
A bunch of good men acting collectively are CoAlpha's.
Let's give our children and women a much better life. |
In reply to this post by Perseus
MGTOW doesn't depend on having children to fill its ranks. Its not a religious sect or a country, where the ideology is handed down from generation to generation. MGTOW depends on something in abundance to fill its ranks. The torment of men at the hands of the gynocracy.
If you pay close attention to the various sites, you'll notice some men aren't even waiting for the divorce papers to be finalized before they join MGTOW communities. You know how many men are drinking themselves to death and doing blow until their hearts explode, or stringin' themselves up in closets, because they've never heard the MGTOW message? It doesn't even occur to them that they can just choose to walk away from it, so they become consumed with their feelings of failure, and self destruct. Their only real failure being their failure to dictate the terms by which they themselves live rather than allowing 3rd parties with ulterior motives to dictate to them how they should live. I'm doing my reading on this co-alpha business now, and figured I'd come see exactly whats going on here. I'm a loner, always have been. Thats why MGTOW appeals to me. Asking me to operate independently is like asking me to breath. But on the same token operating as a group presents new challenges, challenges are always nice. Plus the Co-Alpha brotherhood isn't exactly La Cosa Nostra, in the sense that membership is impermanent. |
definingmanhood, are you familiar with the Shakers? They were a religious movement in America that attracted a lot of attention. But they had one problem, they were celibate. So they died out. Movements that don't produce children cannot last. I suspect MGTOW will continue to grow for a while, but like the Shakers, the MGTOW movement in its current form cannot last. This may or may not matter to you. If you are satisfied with a movement that meets your immediate needs, then MGTOW may be enough. But if you looking for something that will last, and outlast feminism, then MGTOW is not it.
A religious movement thats selling unnatural ideas needs to procreate to survive.
MGTOW is not something you need to be indoctrinated with. MGTOW is something that dawns on men due to their experiences in life. As long as feminism and men exist in the same time and space, MGTOW will exist, even if it goes by some other name. MGTOW is a natural response to environmental circumstances. It doesn't need to be consciously continued, as long as the circumstances that bred it in the first place continue to exist, it will continue to exist. If MGTOW ever dies, it will be because Feminism has died. |
This post was updated on .
MGTOW is a first step and is healthy, as a boy must break away from mommy. In this case MGTOW are breaking away from the effete state to look out for themselves, as the state is wishing in all but name to destroy them our milk them to death.
Yet to remain MGTOW is to follow Ayn Rand or the Hollywood hero cliche. They want men going solo and that is why all the heros in the movies do it all by themselves. Hollywood and their system is preaching Beta & Charlie male talk, which is fight too much or never fight in isolation so you burn out, fad away, get too injured to fight back anymore, live fast die young and leave a good corpse etc. It is a cliche preached by your very enemies, and if you can't see that Hollywood in preaching the same message (on steroids) that MGTOW is in milder tones, then you will never get back at those who have robbed you of much of life's happiness. To have your son love you, learn from you, think you are the best is something that they have stolen from you and its time for some pay back big time. You can't say I don't want to bring up sons, as you don't know the joy of it until you are there with your sons, and can only guess at how it feels and how satisfying it is. So like on the issue of unity; MGTOW are the fox and the grapes (rationalizing the fact they can't get unity or some important pleasures that are out of their reach in their isolated mindset, set upon by an evil state using feminism to destroy men). There are many pleasures that one can't have as a MGTOW and to hide this fact is to do a disservice to others who may want more!
The good men may do separately is small compared with what they may do collectively -
Benjamin Franklin None of us is smart as all of us- Old Japanese Proverb |
MGTOW was something that looked like a good idea when it first became popularised in the MRM but it looks like a fail now since the men who used to promote the idea seem to have gone their own way so much they have dissapeared into the hills and allowed the enemy to easily take what they once had..
They are not fighting. At all. I believe that a "Retreat", "fight", "retreat", "fight" approach has to be taken, but it is vital that the MGTOW dudes dont go their own way so much that they isolate themselves from the brethren.. And this is what they seem to have done.. You cant fight alone, in the real world.. My father told me this when I was a lad, and I ignored his advice and took the lone warrior approach to absolutely everything.. Its hard for me to stop doing that, but necessity dictates that it must be done.. I had another similar idea, a development of the theme, that I think is more practical in many ways as it allows men to inventively rip the piss out of the system while starving it.. And also hasten its destruction on numerous levels.. There is good debate on that thread, but I cant for the life of me remember what the "very important point" about the idea was that i was hoping someone would point out! All I can think, is perhaps that it would take a supreme sacrifice for any man to voluntarily sever his instinctual ties with his children, but, the problem is, the state lawyer scumfucks are relying on mens desires to "prove themselves decent" in order to assrape them properly for their own gain.. |
I have to add, whenever I have mentioned this "men working to feminazi rule" idea in any of the "soft" groups, or even in groups like f4j (they are soft really if you think about what they are promoting!), it creates such a furore that I usually end up being banned and declared to be a man who does not care two figs about his own children if he will not fight with every ounce of his blood to be a deballed corpse father regulated by the state to set access times for the "best interests of the state property"..
Which, in my mind, makes it even more worthy of consideration! It was, also, the common method used before fathers were routinely shamed into castrating themselves and eating their own nads before being assfucked by lawyers, processed, asset-stripped and reprogrammed into "femistate approved" accessory parents.. |
In reply to this post by definingmanhood
My last post in this thread is stupid and pointless. It's not a question of whether or not MGTOW will outlast feminism. It's that one can argue about the future forever, and it is nothing more than a monumental waste of time.
As I said in the original post in this thread, CoAlpha is not a competing idea to MGTOW. CoAlpha works perfectly well within the MGTOW concept and adds to it. It adds the idea of cooperating so that we can go our own way not just as individuals, but as an entire subculture. So definingmanhood, what are you looking for? MGTOW offers a lifestyle but no cooperation for any effective action. CoAlpha is an attempt for men to help each other as a group. If you are interested in effective action, then The Code project offers a solution. |
I'm gonna hang around and see where this goes for the time being. I'm not gonna make any overtures for membership at this time.
Just checked out your site DM, looks like you have potential..
![]() |
one thing that I appreciate about MR and MGTOW is that as much as we agree or disagree and as many different ideas float around out there, is that there seems to still be, for the most part a mutual respect and willingness to cooperate as far as cross promotion of sites and communities. In many different communities around the web, they'd not allow any linking to another forum at all, much less in your signature, and much less a site thats a rival in terms of traffic.
of course @ DM we're still trying to find our niche and hit stride. So far I have 6 members, and 3 posters, and only one repeat poster. Its only my first or second week, plus I'm newly born into the MR world, only about 3 months in, so I'm pretty happy with how its coming along. I gotta break down and come up with some original content though. The thing about DM is that its not any one thing. I wanna anyone and every one. Even mangina. I mean a mangina is just one bad relationship and an epiphany away from being one of us. |
AYe.. But the problem with mangina's is they are only one sniff of gusset away from going striaght back to the same attitudes they came from..
To be perfectly honest, I have yet to see a mangina ever truly shake off their hope's that somehow women will magically start acting in the way that the equalitarian types expect.. They won't suddenly change, and why should they when men will continue to pander to them? They only start to show signs of changing when they can no longer pull the same shit.. But by then, they are no longer what a gent has in mind anyway.. "If the sex-kitten didnt want me, I don't want the over-ridden cat!!".. |
Just read through this thread and can sense the frustration over MGTOW not being the physical movement many want.
MGTOW is only a strategy to bring about change - that means a strategy to get men to stop supporting the society as it is now - and go their own way. We cannot make men join forces - men do that in real life when they see the need, and feel it hard enough. Well, I'd want a real life Mens Movement too, but as we so often has talked about, it is not going to happen on a big scale. On the other hand a lot of men will find friends and comrades and join in a lot of small local Brotherhoods. So let us support the idea of forming local Brotherhoods and other Brotherhoods. It is right that MGTOW, if taken to extreme, will mean the end of our own genes, but that's not the purpose. The purpose, is/was a strategy that would make some men stir things up a little by turning their backs on a feminised society. To me, and others, it seems to work. We have a huge and growing number of internet sites telling the same story - Feminism is Marxism is bad!!! That's not a movement, not even a Brotherhood, right. At this place Fschmidt has started something that will become a Coalpha-Brotherhoood, that's huge. In Denmark I'm trying to start a Danish Brotherhood on the same ideas - it's Danish, nationalistic and men only - a small start, but a start. We see the idea of men raising their heads and going their own way is spreading. The fact that you stand up and go your own way also means that you believe it is your right to do so. That is a huge improvement over men actually believing that they only are beasts of burden for women! I respect you men very much, as you are better writers than I am, and probably also better educated. So it's fine if you lead the way. |
Ironically, I think I've found my "own way" in the military (specifically the Marine Corps). Many think of enlisting in the service as giving into the crushing weight of the government's will, of becoming a cog in a vast machine that does not care at all for you, and so on.
My experience in the Marine Corps has been anything but. My experience in the Corps has been the closest I have ever had to "family" in my life. If you listen to any Marine, currently serving or prior service, they will probably describe the Marine Corps as a "brotherhood." The Marine Corps does not compel me to stay in the service; it only asks that while I am in the service, I sometimes supplicate my personal desires for the good over the overall group (IE, I might not get the duty station I want or get to go to war when it is most convenient to me, but these things are necessary for the good of the Corps). Isn't that a requirement of any good society? To sometimes put the group before the self? The Marine Corps, and my senior leaders, speak openly and honestly about getting out of the service after your first tour. They provide resources to transition, they go over all the benefits of getting out early and seek to maximize your success if that's what you choose to do. But in choosing to go my own way, I think I will remain in the Corps for quite some time. Unsurprisingly, many of the Marines I talk to about MGTOW or linking to articles and op-ed pieces I've found, find the analyses and assertions resonating. I'm curious as to what others think of military service in the context of MGTOW? |
I doubt ill ever think well of military service.
But just a book recommendation. Have you read Thomas Sowell's Autobiography "A personal odyssey "? He was in the Marines too, however never in a war situation. Only tangentially related though. Im just a fanboy for his books. |
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