============== Laurence Fishburne's daughter is speaking out about her controversial decision to enter the entertainment industry by becoming a porn star. "Being in an adult film is not a big deal to me," Montana Fishburne, 18, tells PEOPLE. "It's something I always wanted to do. I have always been comfortable in my body and with my sexuality." ... ======================== I just find it hilarious, in a schadenfreuden way. Hes in CSI and was in Matrix. Probably tens of millions of people view him every week. |
I acknowledge a certain amount of women need to be porn stars, prostitutes, strippers, by sheer default of being a patron of these types of women. It would be inconsistent for me to criticize her choice to become a porn star and then watch porn myself. However I do think there should be a seperation between sex workers and the public. Once a woman enters these careers, she should be undatable and should never have children. It would be a trade off, women can publicize their sexuality and be respected professionally as long as they limit their sexuality to their career.
She still should of consulted her father. And because she didn't ask her father's permission, I think he has a right to excommunicate her. Because from here forward she'll forever carry a stigma. The reason it's a stigma in this society is because sex workers are low quality. Ideally every sex worker should of risen to the level of a geisha, but the sex industry has declined. |
I mostly agree. In our society, prostitutes and wives have merged into sluts, which is the worst of each. Unfortunately, Laurence Fishburne's daughter will not carry a stigma. We live in a slut culture where sluts are celebrated.
I agree that some women need to be prostitutes, but not porn stars or strippers. The reason that America is the biggest producer and consumer of porn is because it is the most sexually frustrated society in the world. There would be no reason to have porn or strippers if prostitution was widely available and socially accepted. Prostitutes should be allowed to have children. They provide a valuable service and shouldn't be punished for that. And generally, the government shouldn't be in the business of regulating what women do. The separation of wives and prostitutes would be a natural outcome of a free patriarchal society where marriage contracts are freely drawn up and men are allowed to dump wives who violate them. The only government involvement needed is to enforce those contracts and to limit men to one wife. Without government support, most women would look for good husbands to provide for them, and to make themselves attractive, they would remain chaste. Sluts can only exist with government support or in polygamous cultures (where there is a shortage of women). (Most of the third world today is informally polygamous with many women being mistresses.) |
Reminded me of an earlier post of I went fishing...
============================ One thing I forgot to emphasize above is that while all women prefer omegas for casual sex, women do not generally prefer omegas for long term relationships. Women instinctually understand that by having sex with omegas, they are sluts of lower value to alphas and betas. So the best bet for all men here is to look for a long term relationship with a woman in a culture where women value alphas and betas as providers. Since feminism is designed by women and omegas to allow them to have their fun while forcing alphas and betas to provide for them, you guys have almost no chance with women in feminist cultures. ==================================================== I do not think there should be any moral qualms or guilt about thinking of Montana Fishburne as scum of the earth. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Nothing wrong with hookers, at least they are honest and upfront about their intentions, and they provide a valuable service to lonely (like me), and sexually frustrated men.
And sadly sluts and slutiness is encouraged and glorified by the mainstream media. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Prostitutes are preferable to por-n (note fschmidt: I'm getting a spam detection message for typing "porn" too many times). But in reality por-n is just legal prostitution carried out between two service providers and filmed by a third party. The question is how would a prostitute go about having children? Would she have children out of wedlock? Or would she still marry? If she chose to marry and have children, then in monogamous society her profession would by default require her to break vows. If she chose not to marry to avoid breaking vows, then she wouldn't be able to recognize anyone as her child's father. Both scenarios seem like an unfair scenario placed on the children and or husband. I can't imagine any son or husband being okay with their mother or wife openly sleeping around with other male strangers. I don't think the government should get involved, I just think prostitutes should be discouraged from having children by family members whom understand the outcome. |
She could stop being a prostitute if she got pregnant. Assuming a man would want an ex-prostitute for a wife.
Or she could have the child herself with no father in sight. Is this unfair to the child? Yes. But as long as she can support it, its nobodys business. And whatever scenario is chosen, if she and her baby go through hardship - thats not a bad thing. Why? Because it acts as a signal to all the other women who choose to be wives. It prevents sluts from being created. If she cant keep the baby, the baby can starve (unless a private organization/orphanage picks it up) or a government orphanage can pick it up and neuter the woman as punishment and sever her links with the child. |
This occurred to me, though I doubt any man would take an ex-prostitute over a virgin wife if he had the choice. I think it's a father's duty to protect his daughter's reproductive choices. And to a certain extent I think it's the business of extended family because her choices will effect their lineage and family name. I agree it's no business of strangers, so long as strangers aren't required to pay into public programs for supporting women whom have children out of wedlock. Agreed. This works for me. |
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