I recently started sending messages to Eastern European women on plenty of fish and have been really encouraged by some of the responses I have been getting. The whole experience has only strengthened my resolve to get the hell out of America to find a decent woman. I have been messaging beautiful women, who are probably way out of my league looks wise, and most of them actually respond and treat me like a human being. One beautiful Czech woman even went to the trouble of sending me a polite rejection message to tell me she wasn't interested and thanked me for my nice message. That blew me away! It's pretty sad when a guy like me gets excited about getting a polite and honest rejection. That just goes to show how messed up our dating culture is. That sort of thing is unheard of here in America. If I ask out an American woman one of three things will happen:
1. She will flat out ignore me
2. She will insult me and act like a rude bitch
3. She will agree to go out but never answer my phone calls or flake out on me at the last minute
#1 is the most common response from American women in my experience, but I have had experiences with the other two responses as well. The point being is most American women do not know how to be decent human beings. They are a waste of time for any decent man.