Since columbine there has been a movement to eradicate violence in schools, but in my opinion it has had the opposite effect. In the past it was considered normal for boys and young men to fight when they had a dispute, they would exchange blows and get over it fairly quickly, most of the time they would quickly be pals again and act as if nothing had happened, and they certainly didn't bring a gun to school and shoot the other boy and other students. Now boys aren't allowed to let out their aggression in a healthy way and it is showing.. We have seen more school shootings and stabbings since 2000 then we have ever seen before. The evidence clearly shows that the liberals way of doing things isn't working but yet they can't get a clue. All these anti-bullying and zero-tolerance laws have done is enable the bullies and bad boys... These boys do not care about breaking laws or facing consequences.. The only ones who respect the current rules are the decent boys who get bullied... So the decent boys have to get bullied or fight back and face punishment.. The only way to deal with these things is to let boys fight it out and empower boys to stand up to the thugs in the schools... The liberal madness is not working.