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The goal is to form a meaningful anti-feminist brotherhood.  There are many men's rights supporters on the internet, but mostly they talk.  Talk is educational, but it doesn't solve the problem.  Solving the problem requires commitment and cooperation.  Those joining the CoAlpha Brotherhood must pledge to cooperate and to follow any rules that we approve as group.  Without a clear concept of membership and a real obligation to follow jointly agreed upon rules, nothing meaningful can be done.

Here are some practical examples of ways that I hope we can help each other:

We can help those who are single find good women.  Those who live in non-feminist countries could help find women for those who live in feminist countries.  And those, like me, who have married foreign women can ask their wives to help single men find women from the country that the wife came from.

We can investigate alternatives to legal marriage for those who have found a woman.  I am already married, but this topic interests me and I would like to help the first CoAlpha who has this need.  It would be great if a lawyer joined the brotherhood and could help.

To have a truly private forum where CoAlphas can discuss personal issues without worrying about their posts leaking to the outside world.

To encourage our wives/girlfriends to socialize with each other.  Women are herd-like, so their behavior is controlled by how they see other women behave.  As a simple example, support we organized a yearly get-together and each of us told our wife/girlfriend that the other women there would be conservatively dressed.  Based on this, each wife would dress conservatively making this self-fulfilling.  And the end result would be our wives getting together, all conservatively dressed, which would make all of the women more comfortable with conservative dress.  I believe that the most important thing we can do to create a meaningful alternative culture is to encourage our families to get together in an environment controlled by us instead of by popular culture.

My long term dream is to see this grow into an alternative culture.  Modern popular culture is broken and I want an alternative.  The goals above are immediate steps that we can take in this direction.  If enough join and we take enough steps away from the mainstream, we could have something like the Amish or Hasidic Jews who have managed to build their own free independent cultures.
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Re: Goals

Great that you have started this one -CoAlpha Brotherhood - to help men (as they are suffering in today's environment). Best wishes for success in your every endeavor!!!
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Re: Goals

Thanks for the support.  If you think this is a good idea, you may consider joining.

I recently moved to El Paso, which is on the border with Mexico, so that I can set up a matchmaking service to help American men meet Mexican women.  I hope this practical service will help grow CoAlpha.