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This post is aimed at those who don't like modern culture. Here I suggest the four steps one needs to make to beat modern culture. If you disagree with what I say, I would like to hear your response. Here are my steps:
1. Recognize that a good culture is the answer. 2. Recognize that a good religion is the answer. 3. Choose a good religion. 4. Join a good religion. Recognize that a good culture is the answer. Many reading this will be MGTOW or PUA, so let's consider these options. MGTOW reject modern culture and withdraw from it. This means that they live socially isolated lives, often without sex. So while MGTOW recognize that modern culture is hopeless, they provide no alternative and have no answers. The MGTOW lifestyle of isolation will not provide much happiness for most men. There are better options. The PUA response to modern culture actually makes some sense. This is basically hedonism, ruthlessly seeking sex for pleasure. Of course there is nothing immoral about this since modern culture is beneath morality to begin with. My first question to a PUA is why go through all this trouble for pleasure when you can just use opium or heroin to get the same amount of pleasure with much less trouble. You may respond that drugs can be harmful. But I would say that an endless pursuit of sex is just as harmful as any drug. It destroys your soul by training you to engage in the most repulsive behavior patterns in order to attract the female scum who inhabit modern culture. And my second point is that, just like a drug, the dopamine release from sex will decrease over time, so this lifestyle will not produce lasting satisfaction with life. A meaningful life for most people (who aren't sociopaths) involves meaningful relationships with other people. And modern culture cannot offer this. Only a good culture that is an alternative to modern culture can offer you a meaningful life, so this is the only real solution. Recognize that a good religion is the answer. Those who recognize that a good culture is the answer may try a number of approaches to get such a culture. Let's consider these. One approach is to try to develop a network of friends who share values different from modern culture. This is a network model where trust is established between pairs of people. This model is most developed in the Chinese concept of "guanxi". But this model is much less effective than the group/tribal model in enforcing morality to produce trust. The problem with the network model is that the cost of violating trust isn't high enough. If you break the trust of one friendship for personal gain in the network model, the only cost is the loss of that one friendship and possibly a few other closely related connections. But with the tribal model, all of your connections are to members of your tribe. If you violate one connection in an immoral way that violates the rules of the tribe, you lose all of your connections because the tribe will throw you out. So because of this higher cost for violating trust, the tribal model is the only one that can enforce morality. This means that the network approach can never really create a good culture. Another approach is to go abroad and look for a better culture in other countries. Men's first reactions to going abroad are invariably positive because the women are much friendlier. But if you spend significant time abroad, you are likely to find that other countries have their own problems. In particular, most of the third world consists of very low-trust societies where people will be outwardly friendly but you never know who will turn around and stab you in the back for gain. In other words, there is a good reason why these societies are poor. For those men who value sex over other things, going abroad is a reasonable option. It is less harmful to your soul than PUA and produces the same benefits. But for men who want a more meaningful life, I don't think any country in the world today really offers this. A third approach is to try to start a good culture from scratch. This is what we tried to do with the CoAlpha Brotherhood. It turns out that it isn't so easy. What we learn from history is that all successful cultures have been backed by a good religion. It seems that religion contains the needed components to make a culture work. Note that religion does not require belief in the supernatural. What it does require is a clear moral framework that guides people in how to live their lives. So attempts to start a culture not backed by religion are bound to fail, as history shows. The key realization here is that a good culture needs a good religion to work. You simply cannot get good culture without good religion. And this means that a good religion is the answer. Choose a good religion. Once you realize that a good religion is the answer, you have to do a lot of research to figure out which religion is best. Obviously this will vary for each person. It is important to actively pursue a good religion and not just passively accept your life as it is. If you have no idea where to start, you can visit local religions and read about various religions. If you want to try to create a religion from scratch, then just go for it and create that religion and see how it works. Join a good religion. This is the final step. If you join a good religion, then you are on track for beating modern culture. |
It's a shame that you get no response in 6 months of this posting?
1. Yes a good culture is the answer but it needs to be a micro-culture within the existing culture. 2. Nope! I have suggested on another post that if we look at the Capitalist Democracy that it's the Dictatorship of a Business that actually produces a profit, not Democracy. We have a Capitalist Democracy because you can't just have all winners. For the winners to win you must have losers to lose. The winners are the Dictatorship businesses the losers are the Democratic people who lose by being employed by the business and by buying the products of the businesses that they themselves as employees manufactured (the actual matching of people to products is fudged to conceal the fact). The winners are the owners of businesses whose Dictatorship of the business enables them to exploit the workforce to manufacture products whose sale to the very same workforce or the workforces of other businesses at a higher rate than the cost of manufacture, enables those business owners to become rich without requiring them to do much work in return. Dictatorship is the successful micro-culture. The losers are the Democratic people who generally don't do as they are told unless they are paid to do so. They pull in different directions and represent the confused masses who then lose by being exploited but are too dim to realise this. Democracy provides cannon fodder and is a loosing macro-culture. It is interesting that the suffragette movement has struggled to join the loosing group so that they and the feminists that came after them can become losers too? *We must recognise that a good business is the answer (not a religion). A) A Club 18-30 style holiday company that brings males and females together. B) A Health and Fitness Gym company that brings males and females together. C) A Dating Agency type of company that brings males and females together. It follows that promotion of the company is ultimately similar as the Dictatorship is encouraging non compliant Democrats to buy their products (or people). That such business promotion methods should be used by men to promote themselves to women. As an example - Oscar Pistorious, the man with no legs, whose girlfriend was a fashion model, who promoted himself by way of the para-olympics. No Elliot Rodger should not have been recommended a prostitute as you have suggested - he should have been recommended a Club 18-30 holiday instead! 3. Choose a good business to run. One that will have the culture of your choosing that will enable you to solve your own problems as a side effect of helping other people solve their problems. 4. Or find a good company to work for where the culture is supportive and exploit the working environment as many people do. In short my view is that the all encompassing Japanese concept of the company looking after it's worker is probably the solution for this kind of problem. |
Then why is Japan going down the drain culturally? My answer, of course, is that they have lost their respect for the Shinto spirits. |
I don't know why Japanese culture is going down the drain, but the decline in the population does seem clear, and you have predicted that this is one of the signs of a culture that is failing. I assume that western influences are to blame? I think that in terms of being a traditionalist you favour religion where I favour business. Of course it is possible for a religion to also be a business such as Church of Scientology which was founded solely because Ronny had a shortage of cash. The Amish has cornered farming as their business and the dictatorial elements of their religion seem mostly concerned with avoiding the 'english'. Their priority is to avoid the rest of us because of our stupid ways. In my case my traditionalist views revolve around the family trade. Each family had a family name, a surname, that referred to the family trade. This trade was passed on from father to son and was the cause of modern civilisation. It appears that this trade was stolen by the rich and given to Universities to sell for a £9000 per year fee, while the children of the tradesman were whisked away to schools so they could be taught more generalised education that would allow them to be employed by businesses instead. Only the rich can now obtain a trade which is now disguised as a University Degree. The trade family has now become the poor working class. The smallest Dictatorship that works is the family. It is a natural Dictatorship that led to the trade. The trade developed skills, a kind of natural intelligence. Intellect has been replaced with memory skills that allow Freemasons to learn knowledge and then claim to have ability (which is then promoted with the having of certificates as proof). The number of highly qualified 'thick' people that I have encountered is very worrying. There is the decay of your culture. It leads to procedures rather than an understanding. I think that I would deal with the long term unemployed by taking their surnames as aptitude for the family trade of the past and I would re-teach them their family trade. They would then need to adapt that to match the modern era with it's modern needs. There is enough historical data to trace the family roots back to a family trade. This would rebuild the roots of the modern world. Japan seems to be relying on immigrants to supply their workforce and this is further diluting their culture. It's past also wasn't that great with obvious problems and issues. |
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