Film Geek

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Film Geek

I just saw this movie.  It is a good portrayal of incel and life in America.  It's available online from Netflix.  The reviews are interesting, complaining about how the main character is annoying without noticing that the other characters are far worse.  The main character is a typical "geek" with limited social skills, while the other characters are typical Americans, meaning shallow, dishonest, inconsiderate, etc.
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Re: Film Geek

Just watched it...nice flick.  I am surprised how it kinda mirrors my own life but not quite.

I have a website and passion for old music and movies and I also work at an auto parts store...shipping and receiving.  But that's beside the point.

Good flick, typical though. Underdog tries to get girl (and somewhat succeeds) but a-hole boyfriend still in picture but after underdog gets fame (and money) women finally want him and start noticing him.  Even the girl tanning by the pool.  She virtually wouldn't give Scotty the time of day before he stikes it big with his website then virtually walks up to him at the end in the video store.  Fame changed his whole status.  Then the girl he was seeing gets back with boyfriend only to return to Scotty after his website takes off.

Good portrail of incel life indeed.  That's basically how it is.