I have come to the realization that the greatest suffering I have had in my life was due to their plain stupidity of the lamest and most aesthetically irrelevant people imaginable. That pisses me off: most of them are not “worthy opponents”.
It seems that some people are good just to create trouble. But I wonder if it was really necessary from me to suffer at all due to them. Looking back, with some detachment from the situation, it’s hard for me to imagine giving a shit about them. The people I suffered for, due to feeling disrespected by them, are just not valuable or respectable individuals according to any standards. They’re fucking losers. I feel like a loser for suffering due to these losers. Or rather, it seems that these insignificant cockroaches hide an evil and power that is hard to spot. See at the scene of the crucifixion of Jesus in that Mel Gibson movie. The roman soldier laughing as he was hammering the huge nail in the feet of Jesus...look at that guy. Who/what the fuck he is? A fucking objective nothing. Yet, that is the guy that was inflicting unimaginable pain to the Great Human, so much greater than him that we can simply call him God, in comparison — and it doesn’t require being a christian, or believing Jesus is God at all. It is simply an assessment and comparison of the huge mathematical difference of quality between two fucking individuals. That roman soldier is a worthless human being by any professional standards. He is a fucking animal. He is a beast. And I mean it in the sense of ‘irrelevant’. That SHOULD not be capable to inflict any pain by a God. But that’s not the way it works. In this grotesque hellish world, where the good suffer at the hand of the bad...’bad’ and ‘evil’ are just a lack of anything good or remarkable, they are synonyms with ‘mediocrity’, ‘lacking anything particularly valuable, lacking excellence’. The dangerous, evil and petty ones who cause much misery in the world are mediocre and NORMIE ones. Have a look at Lyezil Margallo, the young ‘woman’ beast who TORTURED FUCKING TODDLERS. Most people dont understand that any human who lacks discernible uniqueness, talent, superior intellect and morality, is fucking EVIL. That’s the sad reality of facts. Evil isn’t spectacular. Evil is synonym with banality and lacking excellence. Anyone who isnt excellent in some way, is to me the very worst. Mediocre, normie, banal people have always looked WRONG to me. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, or articulate it, but people who aren’t distinguishable from the ‘norm’ in the sense of ‘common’, I just could never see why I would have to respect them more than an obvious and honest criminal. You know what? The latter is much superior and more human than the former. I am not the first one to see this, Bukowski for example stressed how common people are criminals. It’s the sad untold truth of this society. MOST PEOPLE ARE SHIT, most people are criminals...SOUNDS insane and exaggerated, IS unfortunately not. Common people are NOT normal in absolute. What’s happened is that we are used to consider that the norm. BUT JUDGING THAT NORM WITH AN ABSOLUTE MORAL METER, the result is that most people fall short of a logical and normal standard of being normal, moral, and a decent human or citizen. Most humans accept that mediocrity, conformism, not having anything above the norm to offer (which is more often than not considered some sort of sin as you’re making everyone else look less than ideal), are not sins or anything to be ashamed of. But that is just a mentality, it’s not the absolute truth at all. It’s way more logical to consider them worthless, not good enough, as they could be better but they choose not to be out of sins such as sloth and pride. No ifs or buts: according to christian standards they are sinners, and those standards are nothing but the standards of logical morality. Most modern people laugh at the Goldern Rule for example. How the fuck can one honestly consider them ‘normal’ as in morally normal? They are not...they absolutely are to be re-educated! Most people are immoral or amoral, and that is not a good thing at all. Most people shrug and dont see the problem with themselves...intelligence and wisdom are nothing but seeing that the problem is there, it’s real and not made up. THEY live in the delusion that they are good. These are what Nietzsche called the ‘Last Men’ which is an appropriate title. Frederick, your thoughts please, if possible. Am I right or wrong? Aren’t most people not good enough at all in human ad moral terms? It’s easy when people believe being decent is a matter of not killing anyone and ‘appearing nice’. That Lyezil Margallo appeared so sweet and nice, just a girl enjoying the beach and wearing retarded fashionable clothes. Yeah...THOSE clothes...is what I have always, since a teen, considered evil...it was just my intuition telling me so. ‘Whats wrong with the , who is she hurting by wearing them’. People seem to lack that intuition and I have a hard time putting in words what it is that is wrong...you cannot ‘prove it with arguments’...yet its still the truth. Anyone who doesnt see a problem with blind conformism, mainstream lifestyle and fashions etc.._IS A FUCKING MONSTER, or potentially so. Most psychopaths appear normal. A lot of normal looking people are psychopaths lacking conscience and morality in different degrees. Yet, all people judge as ‘decent’ is ‘looking nice and normal’. Most wide people look insane. And normies consider them just that...they don’t see the wisdom, the substance. Only superficiality. Isn’t that evil? It absolutely is. Before saying that I had to grow up and learn through experience. It is not a single trauma leading to this. It’s simply observation: according to my standards, according to what I consider to be absolute standards and whoever tells me theyre not absolute, well thats just his fucking opinion, the vast majority of people are EVIL, just in different degrees, which is fucking irrelevant: if you poison some of the water, you poisoned all of it. Misanthropy is realism, and its amazing how most people think it is so. It absolutely and obviously is so. Misanthropy is today considered another sin, all non-conformism and non-mainstreamism is unless you’re lucky to find some very open minded people (who could end uo being open minded to pedophilia as well). This world is shit. Franklin, I think I got to know you at the whyihatepeople forum. The retards closed that site. It was important to keep it alive: all is good until A LITTLE GOOD, a little honesty remains. A forum where people can vent and communicate their ‘dark’ yet extremely sane and justified feelings. Such a forum might even prevent some terrorist attack. It’s scary how little most people understand of psychology. They dont have the common sense for that. Instead they are just fascinated by Freud’s most ridiculous and irrelevant theories such as the Freudian complex. Looks like people just aren’t interested in figuring out anything. Instead of researching and studying reality using the web, they communicate with their moronic ignorant ‘friends’ over Whatsapp, the most aesthetically unappealing and less professional messaging app. Why, why prefer that one instead of much moe elegant solutions available? Convoluted and BLOATED designs and app that slow down your devices...such as Facebook...people are ATTRACTED to those, with seeming no recognition of factually better elegance in design. Just one symptom of being fucking morons. I am not perfect. Many people are better than me. But yeah, I am still better enough than enough people, to suffer because of it. That’s the only normal thing I see in here. Most people today, are silent, covert sociopaths. |
I don't think that you should blame the people, because I see external forces at work. I believe our world has been messed with and this is the primary cause of the problems that we see. So I see external forces attempting to conquer our world through the use of various methods of interference.
More recently I have been looking at the conflict between Biology and Physics. Physics is fast and brutal - the hammering in of the nails, while Biology is slow but powerful as in the forces of evolution. If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely then perhaps we should expect a true God to be weak not strong? Perhaps a strong God would use Physics while a weaker God might use Biology? Good and Evil is the balance between the Cortex and the Brain stem. The problem is to understand enough to develop solutions, but if we are being conquered by an external power, one that knows that the world is too big to defeat by force, then we have this mind control/selective breeding method in the background messing things up. |
Oh sure I shouldn’t blame people. People are perfect, people dont sin. People aren’t responsible for anything.
False. The only evil is people, and most people not a few. Everything else is contrary to common sense. I don’t know what are you but your reply is tinfoil hat nonsense. Thanks now piss off. That people aren’t evil and responsible is categorically false. |
So for example: The lead in the petrol made people into criminals. The lead was removed and the rate of crime declined. The cause was the lead not the people. you might say those people were evil or stupid and they may have been both but... it was the lead in the petrol that was to blame.
Instead of blaming the people the governments blamed the lead and removed it. They got the right answer and their science qualified them to act. The results also proved they were right. Are you ignoring these facts? Is it you preference to blame people? Or is that prejudice? In many cases it is possible to show that the face of evil is simply a patsy. Removing the symptoms does not remove the cause. |
Evil exists and it is within ALL people. I am talking on a moral thus the only relevant level, you seem obsessed with economics. Economics is evil. Politics is worthless. That’s not what life is about. Moral judgement is all that matters.
But please, recognize you suffer from severe autism (fact, not insult) and piss off. I am not autistic. |
In reply to this post by ShaunS
The evil of the world is in most people and their lack of standards and morality, and obsession with economics and politics, which should be tools for morality and not the end.
Here, something for you. Actually, no, its something for everyone but the few who get it. Or is it just for them? http://www.amerika.org/politics/how-middle-class-values-destroyed-western-civilization/ Middle class values = materialism = evil as it lacks any good and moral framework. Moral framework is what life is about, if you dont have that you are worthless. Autistic people are moral? No, as you show. Fuck you. Youre a fucking robot. Robots are evil, as they lack good. Good, the only good, is morality. |
This post was updated on .
Evil is the lack of a propulsion towards the moral good. Most people don’t have it, and therefore whoever doesn’t consider them evil is evil himself.
Evil is the source of all evil, doh. My thread is on evil and its source and what is evil. My thread is a rectification of the common myth that most people aren’t evil at all, that they’re good enough, and that the bad is the guy that begs to differ. People are blind conformists, and blind comformism comes and results in evil. The obsession with power of evil dictators is also to be seen in the conformism context. You either conform or make others conform. Both are not moral freedom. Both are enslavement to the religion of conformism...that says: comfort over Good. These people, someone said, deserve neither comfort or freedom. The horror is that themiddle class lives in relative comfort and freedom. THIS IS UNJUST. This is not the way it would be in a world where good rules over evil. Our world is ruled by evil mostly, as for today. Anyone who fails to get this simply shows his evil nature. Some men are evil, some men are good. We’re not the same. There’s a moral hierarchy. Obviously. When you remove the ‘leader’ you dont remove evil. Evil is stronger in common people than the few who are moral and actually good. A very small minority, unfortunately. Solution: more good people, less common people who are not good. Oh, and those people should rule. Oh, and evil people should have zero power, freedom, and comfort. That is what heaven on earth would look like. Extreme pain for most people. That is what justice looks like. Pain, suffering. THE JOY AND LAUGHTER OF LYEZIL MARGALLO IN TORTURING TODDLERS, and the serenity and apathy of everyone around her who judges her ‘sweet’ just because of retarded appearances...is that heaven? No, THAT is hell. Evil laughs, evil is happy. Happiness is shit. Happiness is hell. True joy and ecstasy has nothing to do with what people call ‘happiness’ today, which is translated with comfort and ‘doing what I want’ at the expense of anything else. That is the dynamic of hell, aka this world. When people of no conscience are free, comfortable and happy, that is what hell looks like. ShaunS you are some kind of robot. Please dont participate on a moral discussion. Tbh I only care about Franklin’s opinion, but not really. Truth is truth, and thats the only thing I care about. I dont give a fuck about anyone’s opinions. Especially those of some kind of autistic robot. (no offense but yeah I guess that’s offensive/ Well stop being a robot). |
Evil is anything that has a meaningless, artificial pretty face.
Truth and beauty is what most people call ugliness or insignificance. Modern aesthetic standards are those of evil and moral emptiness. |
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