Do latin women naturally have more feminine voices?

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Do latin women naturally have more feminine voices?

I don't know if it's the language, but it seems that way. I love feminine voices in women.
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Re: Do latin women naturally have more feminine voices?

Don't know any...
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Re: Do latin women naturally have more feminine voices?

In reply to this post by Drealm
I think Anglo women have masculine voices, so all other women sound feminine in comparison.
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stuttering around hot chicks

In reply to this post by Drealm
I went to a stationary store today to purchase a birthday card for my father. In the store a female shop attendant approached me to offer help. She was very attractive, probably an 8 or 9. Boutique stores always seem to hire really hot 20 something girls. Anyways I began stuttering a lot. I was able to complete sentences but I clearly showed signs of nervousness, which I'm ashamed of.

Hot chicks seem to just make me stutter. The exception being foreign attractive women. I run into lots of foreign women since I live in a region that's very multicultural. I don't have any fear of speaking to attractive young immigrant women. I'm super confident with them. I think it's because I know they speak English worst than me, so they won't notice any of my speech screw ups. Also as a native I feel an artificial superiority complex. Older women and ugly women are easier to talk to. I think it's because I subconsciously don't consider them couple prospects, so the pressure is off to perform.

The quickest way to solve stuttering would be looking into confidence boosting pills. I plan to do this eventually so I can manage stress better and take more risks, but I don't want to experiment with medical treatments until I have a medical insurance safety net for bad reactions. Another option is attending something like toastmasters to improve public speaking skills. I attended toast masters in the past for a very brief time, but I quit because it requires a high time investment. Something like toastmasters is good if PUA is your strategy with women, but aside from that it's an empty skill.
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Re: stuttering around hot chicks

I read some articles on a species of birds years back.

(*If* I remember correctly), the male birds were attracted to red chests or something. So they took some females and spray painted them red.

When the males mated with them, they invested more into the relationship - taking care of the children more etc etc.

Probably the same with humans. You stutter as you have more to gain (and more to lose).

Probably a base part of my problem as well. The girls Im interested in totally put me into a primitively controlled state. And I can't help but think I will lose out to other males if I invest. Love-shyness in a nutshell.

Probably why PUAs stress that you should never ever make one girl your whole world - though there's probably a unchangeable personality component there.