I went to a stationary store today to purchase a birthday card for my father. In the store a female shop attendant approached me to offer help. She was very attractive, probably an 8 or 9. Boutique stores always seem to hire really hot 20 something girls. Anyways I began stuttering a lot. I was able to complete sentences but I clearly showed signs of nervousness, which I'm ashamed of.
Hot chicks seem to just make me stutter. The exception being foreign attractive women. I run into lots of foreign women since I live in a region that's very multicultural. I don't have any fear of speaking to attractive young immigrant women. I'm super confident with them. I think it's because I know they speak English worst than me, so they won't notice any of my speech screw ups. Also as a native I feel an artificial superiority complex. Older women and ugly women are easier to talk to. I think it's because I subconsciously don't consider them couple prospects, so the pressure is off to perform.
The quickest way to solve stuttering would be looking into confidence boosting pills. I plan to do this eventually so I can manage stress better and take more risks, but I don't want to experiment with medical treatments until I have a medical insurance safety net for bad reactions. Another option is attending something like toastmasters to improve public speaking skills. I attended toast masters in the past for a very brief time, but I quit because it requires a high time investment. Something like toastmasters is good if PUA is your strategy with women, but aside from that it's an empty skill.