Dating in a feminist country is a bad idea for the simple reason that feminism ruins women. There are a number of approaches to dating abroad in a non-feminist country.
International datings sites offer a simple solution to dating. There are a number of relatively inexpensive services that charge a monthly membership. The Cupid Media sites are an example. Use these, not the free sites. Chat with various women until you find one location that you want to focus on. Then just focus on talking to women at that location. Once you have lined up a number of women there, take a trip there and meet them. Another approach is to work abroad. Teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) is a common way to do this. You generally need a college degree to get ESL jobs. Before taking an ESL job, you should make sure that the location is going to work for you. You can do this by using international dating sites (see above) to make sure that you like the women at the location before taking an ESL job there. A third approach is to move to a border of your country with a non-feminist country. This is what I did because I dated a long time ago when the previous two options didn't exist. I moved to Laredo, Texas, and met my wife across the border. Because of the drug wars, most of the Mexican border is no longer appealing. But Tijuana is still reasonable, so you can move to San Diego and date in Mexico. Europeans can move to Eastern Europe where things should be better. If you need sex now, I urge you to use prostitutes and not waste time on sluts. Sluts will waste your time and take an emotional toll. But even worse, sluts are evil women who are attracted to evil men, so as you modify your behavior to attract sluts, you will learn to be evil yourself. In effect, chasing sluts trains men to be evil. Just say "no" to sluts. |
For younger people, dating is obsolete in the West for the reasons I give in the HA thread below. Note that I am not exaggerating here. This is actually how it is. Not to be pedantic (although as a former English teacher I kind of have the right to be), but teaching English as a second language refers to teaching English to non-native speakers in a predominantly English-speaking country. What you are talking about - teaching English to people in a non-English speaking country - should properly be referred to as teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). The trouble with teaching EFL now is that it is not a stable career. When I started teaching in Korea in mid-08 there were about 30k E2 visas issued and about 40k applicants. Hence if you were a college graduate, reasonably positive and not a closet case of some sort, it would be reasonably easy to get a job. When I left two years later, only just over 20k E2 visas were issued and the number of applicants had increased ten-fold. Whole areas of the industry are being phased out, and there was always going to be decline in demand due to declining birth rates. For most of us, teaching English is not a good option for raising a family now. About the only place you can do this is the southern border of the US. Usually there are not hard borders between feminist and non-feminist countries. As to Eastern Europe, they are a post-feminist society. Females want a stable marriage since the regimes are no longer propping up their dysfunctional lifestyles to the extent they are in the West. However, they are still worthless sluts in the main. Generally this is true, but there are some men in particular positions that have easy access to sex with sluts and have a good chance of coming away reasonably unscathed. If it is possible to put yourself in such a position, sluts might be a better proposition than prostitutes. |
How do you know this, and about which countries? I am not disagreeing, I just don't know much about Eastern Europe. And how far east do you think this is the case? All the way to Russia? Also, which country would be your first choice for dating if you had the means to date anywhere? |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Relevant to this might be this thread about putting yourself in a position to be found attractive by females, which would also lessen the risk of slut-remorse rape complaints. Obviously the only interest one would have in females in feminist countries is casual sex. Trying to “date” them is stupid. |
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Great, then start a thread and educate us.
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Yeah I agree that online dating sites offer a great solution to find desirable partner. I have also been using some Gay Apps for this purpose and have noticed that there are some fraudulent too that can cheat you or leak information. So some important safety things can be very useful when you are trying to find online date.
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