Consequences are the only way to ensure good behavior in women. Women need consequences for divorce in order to remain married. My assumption here is all women by default have no morals. A woman will choose to remain married on the basis of relative consequences. Below is my list of strategic consequences I see enabling marriage, in no particular order.
1. Date or "marry" an illegal alien. She'll have no legal recourse and will be afraid to approach the law. The consequence of her leaving you will be she'll have to expose herself more to chances of being deported.
2. Date or "marry" a woman who doesn't speak English. Similiar to above, she'll have no way to understand the legal system. She'll need translation. The biggest consequence here is she'll have to learn English.
3. Date or "marry" a devout religious woman, who's denomination includes some aspect of going to hell for committing divorce or infidelity. The consequence here: burning in hell.
4. Date or "marry" a woman and create a closed loop social network for her. Indian culture is good at this. In Indian culture divorce rarely happens because the women know they'll be shunned by their entire social network. So the consequence here are losing all her friends.
5. Date or "marry" a woman and live in their foreign country. By living abroad you're not giving them the standard of living in your own country. Doing so allows you to hold up citizenship as in incentive for remaining with you. The consequence here is withdrawing chances of citizenship.