Sam Harris: Can Science Determine Human Values?1hr 40min long Fora presentation held at UC Berkeley. The questions starting at 1hr 20m are the best part. I was disappointed with the substance of the presentation. As the presenter gave more so a critique of religion rather than a secular, science based, alternative. Some of the speaker's philosophy tangents were over my head. That said, I found the title of the presentation relevant.
I'll sum up the speakers thesis: Morality can be measured by human well-being. Human well-being can be measured by proxies such as physical health, freedom of speech, ect.
Like most scientists, I suspect he's very liberal. His starting point for well being is individualism. Individualism taken to it's logical conclusion, endorses extreme Malthusian practices. Malthusian practices lead to negative birth rates. I'd maintain that a pre-requisite for well-being is just "being". You cannot have well-being for something that's not born at all. Therefore the basis of a moral society by default should be a positive birth rate. Anything short of a positive birth rate is a moral failure. One then needs to ask what social arrangement creates a positive birth rate? I'd argue only a strong family unit does. Strong family units only seem to thrive in religious communities.