Hey guys, I like the views expressed on this forum at least partially, and I think you have identified the problem correctly, but I honestly am unsure if there cam ever be a real solution. To be honedt, I think a lot of this has to do with evolution and life being well... random. For example going back to ancient culture will be virtually impossible because of things like modern contraception. Also, even if we went back to those times... it would be pretty unpleasant. Also, I think you guys are just looking at this from a social perspective and not taking into consideration how economics plays into this (ie I think capitalism tends to reward greedy/shitty behavior more and this creates the kinds of dudes that knock up bitches and then leave them to raise kids on their own and perpetuate the cycle). I do think you have partially the right solution though, aka brotherhood. In some cultures men have more of a brotherhood and this acts as a social pressure to promote monogamy and shame cheating. Obviously some only play according to the rules in public but try to bend them in private. I think a great example of this is India. Until recently India had a society that seemed to make things better for men. It can be proven by looking at immigrants to the US/EU from Asian countries. Basically the male immigrants tend to do very shitty in the new environment due to a mixture of mild racism and anti - male culture whereas the women do MUCH better than they would have in their native countries due to male subservience even a fatty can get a guy willing to work hard and climb the job ladder for her. Other cultures that I think we're Ideal include Japanese culture, 18th century Germany, 17th century england, etc. All of these cultures rewarded intelligent men disproportionately though probably man smart poor men also died in those times as well. So it seems that partially we have to reward a sense of cooperation/brotherhood among men, but also actively not assist troublemakers who ruin society while rewarding those who help benefit it the most. Imo this doesn't happen in America/the West anymore. Pillars of society like teachers, community leaders, even doctors/scientists/engineers are consistently rewarded less (in terms of likelihood to create offspring) than criminals (average prisoner has 4 kids), celebrities, sports heroes, and ceos (who create poverty for the majority of men ensuring that they can buy an endless stream of women). Perhaps I am a bit too intellectually focused so this is my bias, but it seems like society just operates better when smarter people are rewarded more than the dumb (which is why I think China is taking over and will dominate in the 21st century). Right now in the west smart men are sacrificed for stupid women.
What do you think of those religions that are solving the problem right now? Examples include traditional Anabaptists and Hasidic Jews. Here are some videos about these religions:
http://www.coalpha.org/Videos-about-strong-religions-tp7575212.html |
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