The British Government has suggested swearing an oath to British values. Forgive me for this slightly off topic subject but in any break away culture (such as Brexit) it may be valuable to state some values that the culture proposes. Clearly giving the values of Democracy, Equality and Diversity the suggestion is that the British Public Sector worker should swear an oath to 'American Liberalism' or some form of disguised 'British Feminism'. The result will be a truly right wing individual who considers himself to be one of the British Army solders fighting off the Zulus in Africa? The opposite of what the UK Government is hoping for and at best an oath to follow popular fashionable ideas, subject to change.
British Values ^^^^^^^^^^^ Resilience: Being tough enough to handle the existing situation. Tolerance: Doing so for some time thus playing for time. 'The Old Fox': Strategize, by using the time to develop slick ploys to defeat our enemies in a civilised manner. These are the true British values (with the last being a slight insult), and can also be embraced by our enemies with our blessing. There is no requirement for Feminism, and no requirement for American Liberalism, but these are not rejected and could still exist as popular fashions. There is no direct requirement to become right or left wing. The soldiers at Rorke's Drift are not referred to. The values are transferable to immigrants with their diverse religions as well as various disabled people of various types. These values lean toward Christian values and they handle conflict and compromise as well as giving the character of the people and our nation in a traditional sense. It seems essential to convert the Spirit of the meaning into an accurate Letter of the meaning to get a useful and usable result. It's sad to have to point this out. |
Sadly I get to write on this subject again!
Democracy - requires polarisation which takes time. In a perfect Democracy with two parties both parties would get exactly 50% of the votes. Each party is effectively an Autonomy - thus Dichotomy. Perhaps this is hard to understand? First you have to polarise the voters. Each Autonomy has to poach new members from some other Autonomy. After doing this for some time and after having some evidence that your 'group' has more members than the opposing group you can then have an election and hope to win after spending some time polarising the population into one camp rather than both camps. If you spend less time in the polarisation phase than needed, the Democacy won't work. This is Amateur Politics. Communism and Capitalism: Communism is epitomised by the hourly wage. Capitalism achieves at least five times this amount mostly through automation. Capitalism is therefore exploiting Communism. Apple do not make computers, FoxConn do. An example perhaps: A guy cuts your hedge using shears. It takes him ten hours and you pay him £75. Another guy takes one hour using a hedge trimmer and you pay him £40 because he's cheaper and he does a better job faster. The first guy is the Communist the second guy is the Capitalist. The Communism makes the people suffer. The Capitalism needs to focus on machines and automation, and not try to make people into machines. Capitalism is a kind an anti-luddite concept. The Obvious Party: If politicians are simply on the gravy train we must ask whether to shoot them or join them. Their answer is to join them on their gravy train (as their preferred answer). It would be very simple to have an 'Obvious Party' which would simply embrace obvious policies. These policies would exclude Equality as Men would be Men and Women would be Women. It would exclude Diversity as the lack of equality would bring everyone into the Diversity camp. The superiority of women would be in biological differences such as childbirth, while the superiority of men would be in their physical strength and thus gender roles would be an obvious policy and so on and so forth. Simply focusing on the obviously correct would shine a light on the stupidity of the existing politicians and such a party would instantly gain votes. The Emperor has no clothes - Please try harder! |
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