Baffling escort experience

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Baffling escort experience

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I think that lots of boring, painful meditative practice will help me face the deep, awful pain and fear inside so that I'm more compassionate to others. It was embarrassing but on the up side, it did grant me some indifference to the other pretty girls that are walking around.    
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Re: Baffling escort experience

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Since you're a connoisseur of escorts, do you think it's helped get rid of your urges? Or does it just increase them?

Also fschmidt says you're in the bay area. Maybe you could give me some pointers on where to look for escorts.
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Re: Baffling escort experience

Drealm, it sounds like you've never seen an escort before. I've been seeing them on and off for ten years and I can tell you, just get out and do it. It's like setting up a doctor's appointment and some of them you'll "click" with, and others you won't.

Yes, I'm in the Bay Area. Websites like and are excellent resources for finding escorts with the appearance and kind of service you think you need. Spend the twenty or so bucks on a VIP membership and you'll get access to exactly what they offer.

Lust is like a bad stomachache, and sex with an escort is like a bottle of Norcos. It helps get rid of your urges for a while so that you're not unconsciously eyeballing legs, ass, and boobs in an attempt to avoid pain.

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Re: Baffling escort experience

Nostromos wrote
Drealm, it sounds like you've never seen an escort before. I've been seeing them on and off for ten years and I can tell you, just get out and do it. It's like setting up a doctor's appointment and some of them you'll "click" with, and others you won't.

Yes, I'm in the Bay Area. Websites like and are excellent resources for finding escorts with the appearance and kind of service you think you need. Spend the twenty or so bucks on a VIP membership and you'll get access to exactly what they offer.

Lust is like a bad stomachache, and sex with an escort is like a bottle of Norcos. It helps get rid of your urges for a while so that you're not unconsciously eyeballing legs, ass, and boobs in an attempt to avoid pain.
You're absolutely right, I've never seen an escort before. I plan to go to an escort within the next two years, unless I find a wife first. If and when I visit an escort, I'll have to make a decision between legal ones (nevada), local illegal ones (redbook, ect) and cheap semi legal ones (Pattaya Thailand). For my first experience with a escort, let alone my first sexual experience, I'm leaning towards legal hookers in Nevada brothels. I know Nevada hookers are a rip off, but I don't want to stress out about being arrested, contracting diseases, or visiting a foreign land on my first time getting laid.

I've cruised the free section of redbook. One thing that pisses me off is the idea that you need "references" when contacting a provider. I understand the reason for references, but the process sounds like a catch 22. You need references to get laid, yet you need to get laid to get references.

I sometimes cruise Pattaya websites. I recently found this website for Pattaya hookers: Devils Den. I think Devils Den is how prostitution should be in the 21st century. Prices are all up front, you can order women online at the click of a mouse, services are stated for each provider and health checks are regular. Men shouldn't have to chase hookers around back allies. Getting sex should be like ordering pizza.
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Re: Baffling escort experience

please see email.

Please let me add that escorts are a temporary, not mention expensive, fix. Your long-term goal should be to rebuild your self-esteem and eventually either accept celibacy or somehow find a decent-looking woman who isn't crazy. And yeah, trusted sources say this can be done overseas or in Mexico.