Automation Insurance: Robots Are Replacing Middle Class Jobs

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Re: More miserable news for the average man.

So do you include asia and russia in this economic outlook? I'm a little worried because my family is nearly completely invested in stocks and bonds (with a good fraction in developing markets), and would be ruined if their portfolio value was crushed. I don't know what to say about this because I don't control those purse strings. But it worries me.

I also have to wonder -- if the middle class is wiped out, where does that leave me? I have a lot of college debt and would do poorly if I couldn't find a decent job.
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Re: More miserable news for the average man.

There are all kinds of idiots trying to predict the economic future, and I'm not sure that I am better than them, but I have my opinions anyway.  Yes I include most of Asia and Russia in my outlook.  The world economy is quite globally linked these days.

There is no sure way to predict what will happen to stock and bonds, but at least you should tell your family that these are not safe assets and that many major investors like George Soros and John Paulson are betting against these asset classes.  Bonds are at risk because inflation could make them worthless.

The good news for you is that your college debt will be trivial to pay off with high inflation.  I don't know your field, so I don't know what your job prospects would be after a crash.
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What's the point?

In reply to this post by Drealm
The way it looks, things are going to get worse economically. I've graduated and am now looking for a job, but the jobs I would be able to hold are either in service or academia. I can do some programming here and there, and am generally good with machinery, so if there is some sort of economic collapse, I think I'd do ok. By myself.

I wouldn't want a kid in this society. Even if I found a non-femisphere or whatever woman, I don't see the point of having children, only to have them grow up in catastrophically worse economic conditions. I wouldn't want them to have to grow up behind a barricade either. I feel like I've suffered greatly for being a person with my problems in this society and I wouldn't want to put other people through it.

Does anyone else feel this way? I mean, I like the idea of a co-alpha brotherhood and all, but I'd rather die out genetically than have my children suffer extremely in a messed up world.

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Re: What's the point?

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Scorpius wrote
The way it looks, things are going to get worse economically. I've graduated and am now looking for a job, but the jobs I would be able to hold are either in service or academia. I can do some programming here and there, and am generally good with machinery, so if there is some sort of economic collapse, I think I'd do ok. By myself.

I wouldn't want a kid in this society. Even if I found a non-femisphere or whatever woman, I don't see the point of having children, only to have them grow up in catastrophically worse economic conditions. I wouldn't want them to have to grow up behind a barricade either. I feel like I've suffered greatly for being a person with my problems in this society and I wouldn't want to put other people through it.

Does anyone else feel this way? I mean, I like the idea of a co-alpha brotherhood and all, but I'd rather die out genetically than have my children suffer extremely in a messed up world.
My economic situation is sketchy. I'm not a college graduate and I don't work any trades. This leaves me in a very marginalized economic class. But I think between saving money, living at home, investing and eventually relocating to a cheaper area I may be able to survive, get a wife and produce at least one child. This would be several years away though.

To have or not have children depends on how may generations your life plan includes. You're witnessing the collapse of society. Your children will live in it's rubble. But perhaps your children's children (grandchildren) will experience a better society.

I think it comes down to a question of sacrifice. Are you willing to sacrifice for the future? And are your children willing to sacrifice for the future.

I feel similar to you. But not having children is a way to guarantee a worst future.

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Re: What's the point?

In reply to this post by Scorpius
I don't think economics is the key to happiness.  If it was, American would be a very happy country, which it isn't.  I think community is more important than economics.  And that is the point of CoAlpha.  Just a small group of say 20 CoAlpha families living near each other could create a good environment for children, regardless of what happens to the world economy.
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Re: What's the point?

Yeah, but I don't want my kids living in squalor, either. And as I said above, I don't want them living behind a barricade, fearing for their lives because of uncontrolled roving gangs or some such.

I'm not sure if having children at all costs is a good idea for me. Maybe it'd be better for me to help others with their existing children in a co-alpha group or system when things crumble.