Zarathusthra divided men into two camps, the righteous, known as the 'ashavan' who espouse 'asha' and the wicked, known as the 'dregvant' who espouse 'druj'. The righteous promote human society, its rules, its morals and the world around it while the wicked seek to tear all of them down. Humans should promote 'asha' and eliminate 'druj'. They should establish an 'ashavan' society that promotes 'ushta', that is enlightening happiness to all humans. Righteousness is the universal law that stands for the natural order, evolution, progress and perfection as it is espoused by the Creator. Wickedness stands in complete opposition to those goals. One becomes righteous by doing the right thing and the right time, along with the right means to obtain the right results, precision in every thought and every deed. Righteousness is also about constant self-improvement and continuous renovation. Without constantly improving oneself, then one can fall into depravity and wickedness. Righteousness is done for the sake of righteousness alone, which radiates health and happiness.
I have been reading the Gathas and it is at its core a co-alpha religion. In fact, many co-alpha ideals would not exist today without Zoroastrianism. It stresses the importance of like-minded righteous individuals working together. Human beings must become righteous only for the sake of righteousness alone, we are endowed the ability to tell the difference between good and evil, and must be continually taught what it is and what that actually means.
Good thoughts result in good words which result in good deeds which in turn creates good people Evil thoughts result in evil words which result in evil deeds which in turn creates evil people It is as simple as that. I'm not saying that everyone should shake hands and be friends with depraved individuals. But what I am saying is that co-alpha individuals should constantly improve themselves and become progressively righteous. Constant renovation is in opposition to decadence and stagnation. 'Traditional' Zoroastrianism is filled with mind-boggling rituals, superstitious beliefs that actually hinder rather than become more spiritually aware. It isn't as thought provoking because it's mindnumbingly boring to say the least. We aren't pressured to constantly improve ourselves, everything stays stagnant. People always think religion is something that they should always get and receive in return. Most people who go to church or temple these days aren't really devout and steadfast in their beliefs. They just think superficially because it's out of their own benefit, not for their own sake and for the people around them. Might is right in this world we live in. The strong are oppressing the weak and depriving them of their rights. A world of the survival of the fittest, rather than the strongest. Maybe that law is good for the jungle and for wild animals. But we humans know better, it doesn't have to be this way. Man is a creator now, he kows how to make fire, discovered metals and the methods in which to smelt and forge them as well as plant many vegetables and crops. These discoveries have made man very powerful, but not without the help of like-minded individuals working together. Therefore, the law of the survival of the fittest should no longer apply to the ideal co-alpha, ashavan society. With weapons in hand, now weaklings can wipe out the fittest. However, man, as the creator has the ability to think and reason clearly as given to him by the creator. His good mind must always be constructive, it must be strengthened to be his one and only guide and must do things right. So therefore, man must not be taught 'might is right' but rather 'right is might'. The living world will only survive on the minds of good and able men, working together. Man should best be guided by wisdom, the only main power to sustain human civilization. Only the wisest and the most benevolent deserve to be rulers of this world. Man requires two things: power to repel aggression and to control aggression, and wisdom to eliminate them and promote true peace and prosperity. The world itself is in dire need of a man who has both of those qualities. The world itself is used to 'might is right', it cannot understand how a man of good mind, weak in physical force can take care of her. She wants a powerful overlord. The world in order to change completely, must think 'right is might' and should desire an overlord who has both power and wisdom, not simply power itself. |
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