It's no secret that most international dating sites tend to focus on women from Russia and Ukraine but are they really a good option? I ask because I am very attracted to women from these countries but have had very little personal experience with them. I have done research and it seems like men are very divided on them. Some say they are great and some have horror stories. What do you guys think?
I signed up on AnastasiaDate just to test the waters of international dating sites and I'm intrigued by what I see. After browsing some of the profiles I noticed that all of them seemed to know English somewhat well but made quite a few grammatical errors. This tells me that these profiles were actually crafted by the women themselves and it also tells me that they were motivated enough to learn the English language so maybe they are serious about finding a husband. I will be purchasing credits tomorrow so I'll be able to correspond with some of the women. I will be letting all of you know how that goes.
I have dated a few and know many others and cannot recommend them. Especially eastern europeans (I think ukrainians and latvians are between russians and romanians/bulgarians in personality). Eastern europeans in general are to me the worst westerners. Some (including themselves) blame their history of communist dictatorship as a reason for them being so "insecurely horrible", that is narcissistic, still today. To me they're just spoiled yet damaged children who don't care for anyone. They wouldn't make good partners for anyone but of course I'm generalizing. I know many eastern europeans and even the better ones aren't my definition of human decency. So in terms of you finding a partner, I am afraid those people are vampires in their blood, and are going to stab you on your back as soon as they find an opportunity. I don't think they understand respect and love the way we'd like to.
Russians as far as I've seen are incredibly similar indeed. Again the communist past is their excuse to act in very shitty ways. Russia is the most corrupt country in the whole west as far as I know. They are a very unruly people, and again communism would be their excuse for everything. Both russian and eastern european women I dealt with were aggressive and abusive as per narcissistic personality disorder. They are good at demanding and they might reciprocate with "wild sexuality" and as for that I can say they are usually "better" than most other europeans. They make wonderful whores. The russians I had affairs with put their soul in the sex act. Can't confirm it's a "russian thing" though. Like all women sex is all they can offer. I don't think it's a good reason for getting married and why the heck would a man get married? Wanting a family? Well one needs a good woman for making a family, and these to me aren't "good" women capable of raising good children. I personally do not think they're better than westerners. In facts overall they might be worse. See, there have been good things in western civilization that still reside in the habits of people. Eastern europe and russia are backwards and less civilized in many ways. You're going to get less civilized people and women, for better and worse. For starters, they're way more "rude", which is a bad start. I haven't seen uncivilized traits in russians/ukrainians that make them any more "human" than westerners. Going specifically to ukrainians, all those I've met are horrible, horrible people just like romanians. They have no empathy or care for pretty much anything including themselves. I actually hate them. I've met some better albanians and latvians, but not ukrainians. But the difference was not that much. In general, eastern europeans are horrible. Theirs is a collapsed society that should not exist here and now, as it has nothing to say anymore, it has done its course and it's time for it to be extinct. I hate when civilizations stay up when it'd would be better for them to not be. Theirs (russia/eastern europe in general) is a house of cards that is very fragile and about to fall one moment or another. Why don't they just fuck off? ISIS is taking care of that it seems. I wouldn't focus on those women specifically. I think they can be very dangerous due to a certain lack of conscience. Maybe better for sex if it happens, but bad for a serious relationship. It is obvious why those sites exist. Those women are solely looking for a man who can ease their way into western materialistic life. I have found people from ex communist countries to be intensely materialistic. They have a delusional "american dream" in their head; we know it's a joke. They still don't know, because they're ignorant like that. I'm positive russia and eastern europe are WORSE than the US and northern europe. More backwards and less civilized. It is nice to meet people with that specific brainwashed american/european ignorance and mindset, but it doesn't last long. They haven't been brainwashed by american media as much, but are russian and eastern european media any better? No, they're actually worse. I don't think we can claim they are less ignorant than americans. I think they're even more. Those people are the proof one can be worse than modern americans and europeans. In comparison, these are nice. Sure, a russian woman is going to be much nicer than an american one when relating to a foreigner simply because she wants something from him. We shouldn't fall for that. If you get a russian woman and bring her to europe/US, in a few years she will become just another western woman. Absolutely undistinguishable. Women are good at absorbing the culture of a new place they live in. I don't know a single western man who's been happy to marry a russian or romanian/ukrainian woman. All I've seen is misery because those women, perhaps like ALL women, simply aren't capable of the nurturing kind of love we men desperately look for. Of course there can be exceptions, but let us not believe that race is good because of those. My two dimes. I am speaking from personal experience, I haven't lived in those countries and my dealings with those people still have been limited. I think it's safe to say they aren't really trustworthy as a race. Else I would be looking for a russian like you are. I know they aren't better in any way. More chances to find a somewhat better western woman, then. At 33 I now believe women are simply horrible and below-human morally and a man should not bother hunting for them. If they hop over your lap and want sex, you fuck them and then leave them as soon as they start showing the dark side of women. For the rest, a man of some integrity should actually run away from them. It's the only "solution" I've found. I don't know if this is how things are supposed to be, if this is nature/existence in this world, or just a phase for mankind, or a bit of both. |
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