It's legal to pay a woman for sex for the purpose of producing pornography.
It's illegal otherwise. |
It is useless to try and find what was once common sense anywhere in the world. This especially stands for US. Nothing there makes any sense whatsoever.
In reply to this post by Johannes
Actually this makes perfect sense because everything in America is designed to increase sexually inequality, meaning the unequal access of men to women. With pornography, women are only having sex with men who have many sexual partners in order to produce something to tease the incel masses. But prostitution gives incel men access to sex which increases equality, so it is banned.
The general rule for modern laws in America is simple: If something is evil, it is supported by the law, and if something is good, it is illegal. |
In reply to this post by Johannes
Hi Johannes,
Here in the UK it is legal to pay for sex, but illegal to solicit - illegal to ask for the money or advertise the offer? It's also illegal to look for a prostitute such as curb crawling, but if somehow you find one then it's not illegal to pay or offer the money (unless she's not a prostitute as then it would be harassment, or stalking). Owning pornography of normal kinds is legal but distributing is illegal but probably exporting would be fine. Here in the UK creating pornographic images through 3D or drawing is mostly illegal because it becomes up to the judge to determine if the character you have drawn is underage and as the character doesn't exist then usually it is automatically illegal as it encourages other people to find similar living characters of similar young age, who are then exploited due to your encouragement? In the UK we have thought police that can arrest people for what they think. At least in America the legal system is based on factual events. Here if you photograph a fully clothed child it's still considered to be kiddy porn if you view the picture in a sexual way (because heck it's a provocative pose)? |
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In reply to this post by Johannes
In reply to this post by Johannes
Well, many feminists want to ban pornography too, and in facts it is banned in places like Iceland. Probably America won't do it because it's too big of a market, it would not make business sense. Prostitution is a big market too but probably nothing in comparison to pornography which is actually used as a substitution to prostitution. I for one would rather watch a porn movie than get infected by the prostitutes available here. Also I simply prefer masturbation than sex with someone who does it just as a job, a very cold worthless experience I have made and didn't work for me, good if it does for others.
Iceland has banned pornography as far as I know. For feminists they're both bad, basically all sex is bad for them. In facts in essence, feminism is about banning sex. Women brainwashed by feminism feel guilty when they have sex with a guy who doesn't provide for them. Since women now provide for themselves, sex is useless for them. At least they act like it is. And that's way it's very hard to have sex with anything but a prostitute or a drunk woman, feminism made women impenetrable. It has nothing to do with "alpha" or "beta"; when a woman is drunk she doesn't care if you're alpha or beta, she gets raped period. I agree with feminist if they say fucking a drunk woman IS rape. It really is. Women don't fuck with the best men therefore I don't call guys who fuck with many women "alpha". A beta can fuck with women in certain circumstances and an alpha won't for different reasons linked to how unfair the world is. An opportunity for the true alpha men to become independent from women and enlightened. Which is what Rodgers failed to do. No matter what reasons Rodgers had (not to KILL people, that is unjustifiable; but his frustrations sure were legit), he suffered from the sin of LUST, which is considered a sin precicely because it prevents your peace in the event women don't come all over you - something which happens independently from "fair" and quite randomly. Women don't follow logic in their choices of men as well and all efforts of men to find a logic are to be failed. Women don't follow logic so there is no logic in any of their choices. One should just shake his head and think women are idiots. That's what Rodgers should have done, and heck he's not the only 20 years old virgin the world has seen. I was a virgin until I was 22. Now I'm 32 and I survived and I don't regret anything - actually, I sort of regret sleeping with most women I slept with. Maybe virginity is too extreme but I would have done well sleeping with less (not that I slept with the whole world, just some, like many other men). This GREED in collecting women is stupid. One is happier finding a single good woman to regularly sleep with. Unfortunately I haven't, but maybe I will - I don't see the problem and I don't plan to kill all blondes in my college (heck's sake, blonde women are some of the most intellectually low people in the world, what does he expects from them? But again at his age, the frustration is understandable) and end up killing only myself and a couple of PERFECTLY INNOCENT PEOPLE in the process. I am not glad he did and I find the R.I.P. on the top of this forum much silly. And again, I'm not saying Rodger's frustration wasn't justified and that his manifesto doesn't have good points and everything he thought was wrong. But what he chose to end it is not an example for us. I don't judge him but I simply don't hail his killings as the thing to do, that's promoting violence and one should be careful to not do it, right? or am I wrong? |
The paradox on Iceland is that contrary to the fairytales they teach icelanders in school, as more than one icelanders I have met told me, all icelandic women are descendant from siberian whores who were confined in iceland. Iceland as far as I understood was a prison of what was Siberia back then. The worst criminals and whores (eventually whores were considered criminals...) were put there. If one goes to Iceland to live for a while as I did and has moral standards, will see how this is true. Icelanders are human scum for the vast majority - only a few save themselves after generations. The majority are simply insane, paritcularly stupid, or criminal - minded. So I tend to believe that story.
being the twisted fucks that they are, it's not a surprise that they banned both prostitution and pornography. They also had the first woman president and now have a lesbian feminist for PM. That's Iceland...the favorite land for liberals who think it's a great example of liberty when it's just a seriously horrible place to live in and most I met there agree. And oh if anyone is still interested in "dating" - icelandic women are probably the single worst women in the world to date. They're like the americans but more extreme. They are not much talked about because it's such a small country but trust me they're just like americans, but worse - so, possibly, the worst women in the world. It's true that it's easy to fuck them when they're drunk (which is rape even by my anti-feminist standards), but having any sort of normal communication with them is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. Blessed the one who trusts me on this one instead of thinking icelandic people are nice. The swedes I have met so far are much better than them - GOOD PEOPLE in comparison. |
Didn't you say you were from Sicily or something? How come Iceland all of the sudden?
Maybe you should re-think your standards then. This is silly. |
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