Below is a nice post that I copied from the Happier Abroad Forum:
An Army of a Million Bachelors There is an army of one million single men in America now looking for girlfriends and wives while the women are having a ball. About a decade ago, a Chinese government official warned that if the Chinese parents keep aborting female fetuses in favor of male ones, in one generation, there will be an army of one million bachelors roaming the countryside looking for wives. While the Chinese authorities are rightfully concerned about the fact that one million Chinese young men won't be able to find life partners and create happy families in the future, virtually no one in America is talking about the already existing huge surplus of young men who have to compete for girlfriends and wives in the USA. Numbers do not lie- have a look at statistics across the country and you will see that overall, young men outnumber young women by somewhere around 11:10. In some places it is 12:10 or more. Add to this the fact that Hollywood brainwashes young women that they deserve rich and handsome young husbands with big cars and great careers and houses, and the fact that 20% of sexy hunks with money and good looks get 80% of the women, and you have a recipe for a disaster for a simple young man who just wants a date. He can't get one because numbers and statistics are not in his favor. Social and demographic trends are not in his favor. The Puritanical culture of not talking to strangers is not in his favor. In other words, he is behind the eight ball when it comes to dating. However, the above cold facts are not even an issue in today's America and are not known to the average Joe. He is told that he lacks social skills to pick up women, that he needs to get a better job and improve his appearance, lose weight and develop confidence, pump some iron, take a karate class, all the while American women who dress like janitors, who have bad manners and who are fat and ugly apparently have very little problem dating handsome young men. That is the result of the bad demographics in the USA. The solution to the problem is simple- the surplus men many of whom are not in the most desirable category from the American woman's point of view, should go to places on Earth where there is a shortage of men and a surplus of women and where young women outnumber young men. Try it and you will see what I mean. Go to two cities- Moscow and Manila. You will see more young women on the streets than young men. Always. And guess what else you will see- women try to look better, they behave in a sweeter manner, they try and be nice to guys because if they are not nice, another woman will whisk the guy away from her- guys are in demand. You will see than instead of steely, supercilious looks that you get from women in the US, or, no looks at all, your appearance as a man on the streets of Moscow or Manila will attract curious, friendly and warm expression of interest from young ladies all over. They will be asking you questions, flirting with you, and saying yes to a dinner invitation. So, why are they so nice? Because good men are hard to find there. The men can get a girlfriend any time they want, and at any age. They do not need to exercise, take classes in social skills, dress well or join clubs. And they are they ones who do the choosing. In many countries where there is a shortage of men, women stay virginal before they get married because no decent guy would want to marry a "used" woman. Why get damaged goods if there is plenty of fresh, brand new stuff to go around? "You are not a virgin? Get away from me! I don't need you!" is the attitude of the men there. Men walk proud and tall there, they do not sing whinie, sweet songs to women, women sing those to men and about men. It is a man's world out there and a man's market. Do you want to be there? I bet you would. Also, in their economies, women have small salaries and need men to help them survive and establish families. A guy with a good job or any guy who can afford a decent date is hard to find. In their country, there is an army of SEVERAL MILLION LONELY BACHELORETTES who cannot find a good boyfriend. Is that where YOU would like to be now? I bet it is! So, the choice is yours: do you want to be a private soldier in the horny army of one million angry and frustrated bachelors in the USA who are fighting over a perennially small number of arrogant, capricious and self absorbed women and be chasing the will-o'the wisp that seems to always move away from you, or do you want to be surrounded by an army of a couple of million young bachelorettes? I bet that unless you are a glutton for punishment, you would choose the latter. That is why you would be Happier Abroad. |
Good read. I also checked out the map in the comments. Apparently there's about 50 - 100 extra men in my surrounding areas (bay area) for every 1000 women in my age bracket. This proves demographics greatly influence chances of men getting women.
I remember testing gender ratios on craigs list a while back. With the gender imbalances I saw, you might as well play the lottery. I just gathered these numbers off craigslist: - Women seeking Men: 25 or 7% / Men seeking Women: 312 or 93%. - Women seeking Men 18 - 24: 3 or 8% / Men seeking Women 18 - 24: 32 or 91% ... Once I eliminate: - Druggies "420 friendly". - Single moms "i got a baby but the daddy aint in the picture". - Slutty party girls "i like to drink and party". - Obese whales "BBW". I wouldn't be surprised if the rate dropped from 7% to 1%. You'd have to be stupid or consider yourself astronomically lucky to play this numbers game. |
I think the original post overvalues demographics. China has much worse demographics than America does, but Chinese women are much better than American women. More important than demographics is what women are looking for. If women are looking for a stable partner, like in China, then men have a good chance because each woman wants one man to herself. But if women are looking for exciting sex with thugs, like in America, then most men have little chance since most of the women are chasing the same small percentage of the men. And this is what you see reflected in the gender ratios on craigslist.
I know there is a chinese incel forum out there somewhere. I mean think about it....theres gotta be.
A person made an interesting observation a while back that China should keep it's red army happy. Seeing as it's a big group of young horny men, of which there's not enough women to satisfy. |
In reply to this post by fschmidt
pa bigay naman ng baril
In reply to this post by fschmidt
pa bigay naman ng baril
In reply to this post by asa
"pa bigay naman ng baril" is tagalog for "also been given a gun". Tagalog is the filipino language. So I see we have a filipino incel lurking.....welcome :)
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I've thought about this. Russian women that I've met are very sweet, and one exchange student was even interested in me. I sometimes wonder if I fucked up real bad by staying in the US instead of studying in russia or one of the other eastern european countries. I have heritage from there anyway, I should go there.
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