The hot white girl in there was kind of amusing and angering. She had lunch with the Amish guy with her shoulder and bra strap bared, then she looked really annoyed when hanging around with the Amish girls who tried to teach them how to sew designs into cloth. "Nothing's a chore for them," she said indignantly.
It's plain to me that the only conceivably "backward" thing about the Amish is their fundamentalist refusal to acknowledge other gods. But the culture they stayed in is sick. A sense of community is a novelty, and violence and depravity are said to surround it.
It's hard to embrace abstinence from lascivious thoughts when you feel traumatized by constant rejection, but the kids here made me think about it. Maybe the sex act really is something that should be sacred, for the good of your spirit. But is there any way to let go of it without knowing what you're missing first? I mean, the kind of sleeping around that most western youths indulge in.