I know I'm a little late on this debate about Elliot Rodger and the shooting at Isla Vista, California... but I just finished reading his Manifesto (more like an autobiography) and here is my analysis of the situation:
The tragedy that happened in Isla Vista was a combination of a number of factors, not just one or two conditions: 1) was the fact that Elliot Rodger had a mental condition that would prevent him to make social contacts or friends, such as dissociative or avoidant personality (he himself says so... the only 2 o 3 friends that he ever had were childhood friends and later they abandoned him, and later in Isla Vista he could not make any new friends), and what than means of course is that is even harder to talk to the opposite sex. Factor number 2): He had a very high sex drive (again, he himself says so in his manifesto, he was always thinking about sex) that happens naturally at that age but the other problem or undoing was the fact that he was only into very beautiful blond girls, he was into 10s only... in general most guys would rank them first or very high on their list of women we find attractive but most of us found our place and know who we could and who we couldn't possibly date, Rodger Elliot thought he really deserved the best, most beautiful kind of women. The third 3) issue at hand here is that he also may or may not suffer from Narcisistic personality, his manifesto is full of entries about how he is better than anyone else, how he is part royalty from England, and how he is the perfect gentleman who deserves all the girls in the world.... which is also a condition that stems from factor number 1) social isolation, if you read a psychology book you'll find out that the most common result of social isolation is a sense of delusion of grandieur, meaning that when you are alone for too long in an urban setting you tend to believe that you are greater and better that anybody else, and since you don't have any friends to tell you otherwise this condition exacerbates to the extreme, this happens from lack of human contact and social interaction... and finally.... factor number 4) Bullying... since he was a very young kid he was bullied by the most popular and bigger guys (in his manifesto he describes how they would take books and stuff from him and make him chase them but that he couldn't keep up because of his weak physique). This last factor I believe is the main cause that this case turned from a typical scenario of a kid who doesn't have friends and can't get laid and became a mass shooting, the cause of this is that he would always see couples of the beautiful blond girls that he admire the most with the big, tall popular guys that he despised and hated the most because they would always bully him, and since his narcissistic personality would tell him that he was better than all of those guys dating hot blond girls, that would enrage him to the point that he would cry on his room for hours and hours on end (this happened countless times, according to his manifesto). That is the cause that he would blame the entire feminine genre for his sorrow and at the end, he decided to punish all the women (notice in his manifesto he never talk about shooting the guys) this shows you that he lack any sense of reality and he thought all the girls were to blame. Rodger Elliot's manifesto is repetitive of instances where he goes out, sees a couple of a hot, blond girl with a tall, popular guy (the same type of guy that he despises for bullying him when he was younger) and he goes home and cries for hours. But my favorite moment in his entire Manifesto has to be when he goes to a party in Isla Vista surrounded by beautiful women and in a sudden act of rage, being that nobody would talk to him, he proceeds to attack them and tried to push them of the balcony, and when the guys around them punch him and beat him up, on his way home he wonders why not one of those beautiful girls offered to take care of him, look after him, and have sex with him to make him feel better... right after he tried to push this girls off the ledge!, that just goes to show you the extent of Rodger Elliot's narcissistic, fantasy world full of hate and spite against women for not selecting him, a perfect gentlemen, as a boyfriend... is sad but is true. In conclusion: His manifesto is a very important piece of evidence because it contains everything that we need to know to decipher this tragedy, this four factors combine to cause a mass shooting, is a unique situation but, unfortunately, the same factors have been seen in other mass shootings, most importantly Bullying, 90% of the mass shootings in America have this factor in play, and is important that campaigns against it are put in play in every high-school and even pre-schools. |
The analysis of both posters I almost entirely agree with. OP, wonderful summation.
It's difficult to admit I see a FEW things in Rodger also in myself. In high school, a pack of annoying girls attacked me and I kicked my leg out and pushed them back. That caused some shock and got around. I've got some anger problems. I see some things in myself where I'm like, "Ugh... this could get ugly fast if I don't keep it in check." I have kept it in check. I'd also never commit any kind of violence against anyone, I'm not nuts. But... there is that underlying isolation... hiding behind a keyboard... feeling like I've got it all figured out "and they're all stupid"... Those are themes this guy's life represented. But... am I a broken failure, or a victim? How can all this be overcome within a system that itself is diseased and poisonous? Don't adapt to the sick culture -- leave it. OR, get loud and try to help, try to bring awareness in a positive way, speak with clarity, and know what you're talking about. Blake Sawyer has a good podcost / site for all that. Look him up. |
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